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diy solar

diy solar

Regret buying all in one solar storage device


New Member
Nov 22, 2024
I bought an Ecoflow Delta Pro in Feb of 2023, and kinda of regret it now that I've learned more about Solar .

My biggest regret, other than cost, is if one part of it goes bad, you may have to replace the whole thing. If i had built the system from individual components, is if one part failed, I could just replace that part.

The AC charger on mine failed, and from research I can find that it's pretty common when using it in EPS mode with high loads. Ecoflow wouldn't warranty it because even though the unit was new, I bought from a non authorized retailer off eBay.

I was able to get a used part off eBay for 400 bucks. I was able to watch youtube and figure out how to get into the unit. I can say the units are well built.

I do like the app that comes with it. I do like that it's portable, but mine lives in a closet. Just for the money I spent on it and two extra batteries, I could have built a much larger system. And now since I had the AC charger failure, I don't dare plug it in to a wall outlet.

So, my advice is if buying one for home backup, you're better off if you have some technical skills building your own system
I have learned and am learning more by building a component system, but it is still a learning curve, and some mistakes will still be made, some money lost.

I surprised someone has not found a way to incorporate a better part or way to bypass it and use an aftermarket charger? Since the warranty will not be honored anyways.
That's true. If you buy ecoflow, I suggest buying direct from ecoflow or from Costco.

Still what happens when it breaks and is out of warranty.

It is a trade off, similar to buying a cheap tablet that is more or less not repairable, vs buying a desktop computer that is more or less infinitely repairable.
Yes, I think the main advantage is portability, and it all designed and built for you .

Not saying it's a bad product. Just if you don't need the portability a home built system is cheaper and more repairable

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diy solar