Andy UK
New Member
Hi folks, not sure if I am posting this in the correct section, but Will advised me to mention this so others can avoid, I bought a battery from Aliexpress back in June this year advertised as 100ah, at $197 ok I know what your thinking, that has to be to good to be true, and guess what it was, and turned out to be only a 50ah battery with a 100ah sticker on it.
The annoying thing is that it took 50 days to get to me from China, but I smelt a rat as soon as it arrived as the weight on the package stated 8kg, the battery was in a Group 27 case, but only weighed 6.60kg, I new of course that it would have to weigh 9kg at the very least to be what it claimed it was, so I did a capacity test using one of those testers with the fan and two control knobs, the test (0.1C so 10amp) only took 5 hours, and showed 52ah, so no need to Tear Down the battery, this proved it was a scam, the seller is DGL Battery Store and the battery brand is DGIN.

The annoying thing is that it took 50 days to get to me from China, but I smelt a rat as soon as it arrived as the weight on the package stated 8kg, the battery was in a Group 27 case, but only weighed 6.60kg, I new of course that it would have to weigh 9kg at the very least to be what it claimed it was, so I did a capacity test using one of those testers with the fan and two control knobs, the test (0.1C so 10amp) only took 5 hours, and showed 52ah, so no need to Tear Down the battery, this proved it was a scam, the seller is DGL Battery Store and the battery brand is DGIN.