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diy solar

RuiXU battery experiences


New Member
Mar 28, 2022
Aus dually in Oregon
Given Will's endorsement how many folks are using the RuiXU server rack batteries?
Are those 48v RX-LFP48100 are 15 or 16 cells? Tried a few searches and didn't find anything definitive.

One 'con' so far is I've asked them two questions 5 weeks ago an have no response.
Given that the specs say the nominal voltage is 51.2V, I'd assume that they are using 16 cells with each cell being 3.2V. Of course, it's best to get the word direct from Ruixu themselves. If you ever find out, I'd be interested to know. I'm also considering buying a rack of batteries from them.
Given Will's endorsement how many folks are using the RuiXU server rack batteries?
Are those 48v RX-LFP48100 are 15 or 16 cells? Tried a few searches and didn't find anything definitive.

One 'con' so far is I've asked them two questions 5 weeks ago an have no response.
Given Will's endorsement how many folks are using the RuiXU server rack batteries?
Are those 48v RX-LFP48100 are 15 or 16 cells? Tried a few searches and didn't find anything definitive.

One 'con' so far is I've asked them two questions 5 weeks ago an have no response.
we are so sorry missed your message,it is 16cells.
I just received and cabled up a Rack of 6

It arrived rather uniquely:


The pallet was trashed. There were a few forklit holes in the battery boxes, miraculously nothing was so much as dented.


Will had a nice review. I have some nits I can pick. I put it all together:


The cabinet is a conventional computer/equipment rack Rear doors, sides come off.


This is actually much nicer than the EG4 I have. The shelving for the batteries is pre-installed in the rack:


It comes with a bag of M6 hardware and 4 keys. The cage nuts are pre-installed as well for the battery hold-down screws.


The NIT. The bus-bars are too tight I had to use a flat aluminum bar on the bottom battery to push the front catches back to get it past. If they had used a double - L bracket at the top and bottom and a smaller spacer in the middle and given an extra 5-8mm on either side it would have been perfect. Also the bus bar should have had a crease on one edge. It's a little flimsy.

All in all I like this a whole lot better but entirely for cosmetic reasons. The footprint is about 8-10" lower than the EG4 cabinet. This means if fits under my big EG4 inverters:


And I can get the doors open. The cable openings are much easier to deal with as well.


And the external cables were easier to route in the cabinet. YMMV
A few questions.

How long from order date to delivery date?
Where did they ship from?
Where are you?
Based on size I assume it was a freight carrier and not UPS/Fedex?
how are those pop style breakers holding up? How much current have they seen?
A few questions.

How long from order date to delivery date?
Where did they ship from?
Where are you?
Based on size I assume it was a freight carrier and not UPS/Fedex?
About a month
China I would guess. I think the 'warehouse' is in somewhere in CA, Inland Empire area. Guessing that is just staging/logistics.
Central freight. Nice guy, helpful, offered to help me de-pallet if needed.
A few questions.

How long from order date to delivery date?
Where did they ship from?
Where are you?
Based on size I assume it was a freight carrier and not UPS/Fedex?
Our warehouse located California,stock is available in California warehouse now.Batteries will be shipped from California warehouse to your address.
We use Roadrunner,Fedex,Central transport and so on. any questions,freely let us know at any time.
how are those pop style breakers holding up? How much current have they seen?
They seem to be fine. They are only 150A. I don't have anything over-rated. Four each, two pairs of two 150A feed each inverter on 1/0 feed wires. Very short runs ,maybe 5 feet, all the wire lengths are as identical as I could get them. There is a 300A fuse on each battery feed line. That gives me ~600A or 30KW. The inverters only do 24KW, they feed a 100A panel with a 100A breaker. Those small brown boxes on the wall are all sensors, two on each of the RED/BLACK, then on various high output loads, A/C HWH, etc.

I'm polling 5 second intervals, got a spike of a very short duration before I got the Magic Start for the HVAC. It occured during a phase shift switching from battery to the grid. The most I've ever pulled from the batteries is around 18KW, a fairly short duration as well, less than 30 minutes, then I turned the car charger off. Reality is I really tuned my setup to handle my demand, first and foremost. The highest demand I've actually ever recorded:

myhouse=> select max(pwm_amps) from power_monitor where pwm_sensor = 10;
(1 row)

This did not trip the breaker, nor did it last long. I think it caught the HVAC at startup before the Magic Start, numbers were low 80's just before, and my control system kicked in and shut off the car charger, and flipped the oven range over to the grid. At which point the threshold fell way below 60A, and 5 minutes later it turned everything back on.

Once I tripped the 100A main breaker from my main panel to the transfer switch when the inverter started acting up over an edge condition. This has been corrected in the firmware, but I had the inverter set to turn off when the batteries hit 0% (I normally have 5, now 3). At the time there was still a modicum of solar output, just below the threshold needed to run the load, ~ 5KW at the time, and instead of turning off and staying off until it got back up to 5% over the shutdown (like at 5% it comes back on at 10%) it flipped back on as soon as it hit 1%, then back off, then... Since I was not synced to the grid it made a lot of noises and popped the grid feed due to sync error spikes I'm sure. I changed the threshold to 5, flipped the grid back on, relay kicked and I was back to normal.

Never caused any issues on the battery/breaker side.

Since I don't charge my cars from battery generally peak demand has been is around 12KW when I'm on batteries. That means the oven/range HVAC and HWH are all kicking. Add in the microwave, coffee pot, toaster oven, maybe get up to 14-15KW from time to time right at 5. So reality is I built everything out to pretty much be able to run my house and charge 1 car, and still have plenty of headroom.

All my breakers are at the max rating I want to allow period. Frankly, if anything ever trips I screwed up somewhere, or something bad is happening. I really don't understand why all the recommendations tell you to put larger fuses/breakers than the wire... For example "165A" for the 1/0 cable runs, 450A on the 4/0 runs. The problem is breakers will actually RUN for a while significantly over their rated capacity, and fuses generally will as well. I want the thing to blow if I'm over what I think I should be for any length of time.
After contacting support, apparently their API's are under NDA. Apparently they don't have a tool for any kind of monitoring. I asked support specifically about cabling to the EG4 18KPV/12 but received a rather non-descript answer. Since I'm not signing an NDA I'll try and reverse engineer something based on the Victron or EG4 published specs. I mean really, ... an NDA to talk to the BMS on a battery from a Chinese company that likely 'borrowed' the design to start with. . .

But it's a super-secret request for the current SOC on the batteries, nobody else has that... Good grief.
After contacting support, apparently their API's are under NDA. Apparently they don't have a tool for any kind of monitoring. I asked support specifically about cabling to the EG4 18KPV/12 but received a rather non-descript answer. Since I'm not signing an NDA I'll try and reverse engineer something based on the Victron or EG4 published specs. I mean really, ... an NDA to talk to the BMS on a battery from a Chinese company that likely 'borrowed' the design to start with. . .

But it's a super-secret request for the current SOC on the batteries, nobody else has that... Good grief.
How to wire RUiXU Server Rack battery RX-LFP48100 wtih Victron Multiplus -Ⅱ Inverter - - YouTube

Since the battery connects directly to the Victron CerboGX couldn't you see and set the battery options?

Do you know the manufacturer and/or model of the battery connector?
No I don't but , Will Prowse spoke about the cable on one of his reviews on the RUiXU Server Rack battery
maybe on Will's video here:
I really like that the BMS in this battery you set the BMS protocol for the invert you have.
It is in the manual here:
RUiXU youtube channel:
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Do you know the manufacturer and/or model of the battery connector?
It is the Amphenol SurLok system for HV connections.. or at least it looks like it. There are also some Chinese groups making the same type of single pole connector, Futronics for example (which is what AOLithium uses I suspect).

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diy solar