Looking for a licensed contractor to help with a residential project in Sarasota, FL. The local AHJ won't allow a homeowner to install on their own, so I am stuck and need help.
System is 11.7 KW using 30 CanadianSolar CS6R-390MS-HL, 3 string of 10 each. Tigo TS4-A-F RSD boxes. Amnesolar N3H-X10-US 10 KW hybrid inverter. EG4 Indoor Wallmount batteries. The inverter an done battery are purchased along with some misc stuff (breakers, wire, etc). The panels and the racking are not purchased.
The roof is concrete W tile. Exactly how the panels mount to the roof is being researched (investigating several methods).
I don't need any engineering, support, design work and I don't need any warranty, technical help, long term support from the contractor.
I can be very flexible on when it gets installed.
You could literally be a one man shop with no solar experience. I need someone who can be the contractor of record on the permit, and perform some tasks I cannot do (like change main breaker in main panel), and then other work is up for discussion anywhere from doing almost nothing to doing almost everything as would be mutually agreeable.
I have very detailed project documents if you are interested.
Mike C.
System is 11.7 KW using 30 CanadianSolar CS6R-390MS-HL, 3 string of 10 each. Tigo TS4-A-F RSD boxes. Amnesolar N3H-X10-US 10 KW hybrid inverter. EG4 Indoor Wallmount batteries. The inverter an done battery are purchased along with some misc stuff (breakers, wire, etc). The panels and the racking are not purchased.
The roof is concrete W tile. Exactly how the panels mount to the roof is being researched (investigating several methods).
I don't need any engineering, support, design work and I don't need any warranty, technical help, long term support from the contractor.
I can be very flexible on when it gets installed.
You could literally be a one man shop with no solar experience. I need someone who can be the contractor of record on the permit, and perform some tasks I cannot do (like change main breaker in main panel), and then other work is up for discussion anywhere from doing almost nothing to doing almost everything as would be mutually agreeable.
I have very detailed project documents if you are interested.
Mike C.