diy solar

diy solar

Schneider CSW4024 Battery Charging Fault

Two run downs to 50% and then break to 100%. I think I've finally found the sweet spot. Had to change the battery setting to 160 ah and using 28v for the bulk cutoff and 27.7v for the absorb but it's not using the timer of 15 minutes.
I see this with my batteries as well. Once it reaches the absorb voltage, the current falls fairly quick and it drops out of absorb in just a few minutes. That is not a problem, and seems to happen mostly when you are not pushing the battery voltage limit.
Should I try to bump it up from 28v to 28.8v again on the bulk or do you think I'm getting a full charge?
28 volts is fine. That is 3.5 volts per cell, right at the start of the knee. That should be close to 97% charged. On the chart from GVSolar, that is still above 100% charged.