Elaborate on “not how you think”.
The batteries I’m getting are said to include the 2A active balancer but I’ve not seen any indication of a button to activate it. There may be one, it’s just not visible in any of the product photos.
How is is activated by the BMS?
There’s been a lot of mud slung toward this product but I’m still looking for details on when it’s activated, how it works, and how it unbalances cells rather than balancing them. Also, how is it enabled or disabled? Parameters 100 and 101? Does it use parameters 80 or 81?
Sure, if you open balancing board documentation - you'll see it has multiple connectors.
One of them labeled as dry contact - that one can be connected to BMS, which will switch balancer to standby mode
Another is labeled as a switch - that one you can connect to external button.
If you configure parameters 100 and 101 in BMS studio - cell diff pressure alarm and recovery, this will trigger dry contact for active balancer board. you can set it to any value like 50- 20 does not matter, as long as it is something reasonable.
However, it only switches board on into standby mode! It does not mean it will start balancing. Balancing parameters are fixed in balancing board itself.
So, once balancing board is in standby mode - you'll have button flashing. Once cell difference is above 50mV, balancing board will start balancing until the difference is 30mV. Also, keep in mind, that it doesn't care what cell voltage and will start balancing on voltages down to 2.9v, which will unbalance your pack even more.
NOTE: those equalization parameters (80-83) are for BMS board PASSIVE BALANCER ONLY! You can completely ignore it as it does balancing with like 200ma or something, it is nothing to do with active balancer!
I took me a lot of time and trial and error to figure out the logic on how it works as documentation is non existent. I'm going to get NEEY balancer myself to replace seplos