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diy solar

Simultaneous AC/solar charging with EcoFlow Delta Pro?


New Member
Jan 2, 2023
I know some all-in-one inverter units can "preferentially" charge when supplied with both AC and solar inputs, drawing from the AC only when solar isn't supplying enough. Does the EcoFlow Delta Pro have a similar behavior, or does it only charge from one input or another?
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I reached out to EcoFlow support and confirmed with them that the Delta Pro cannot do this. You'd have to manually switch the charging method to AC if the solar input isn't sufficient.

Too bad.
If you could connect your Delta Pro to a Home Assistant program, you can monitor the SOC and use a smart switch via z-wave, zigbee, bluetooth, etc to turn on the charging when it reaches a certain level.

You can also have the Home Assistant make predictions on your Solar Forecast for the next day to help make automated decisions on whether to charge or not.
If you could connect your Delta Pro to a Home Assistant program, you can monitor the SOC and use a smart switch via z-wave, zigbee, bluetooth, etc to turn on the charging when it reaches a certain level.

Oh that's interesting - does the Delta actually have an API that would allow this kind of in-software charge source switching? Is this something that you've done before?
Yes. Someone else has created this program. I set a Raspberry Pi computer and was monitoring my Delta Pro and many other things in my house. However Ecoflow had a Wifi Firmware update that closed a port his connection was using. But there are other ways to get in if you are interested.
Yes. Someone else has created this program. I set a Raspberry Pi computer and was monitoring my Delta Pro and many other things in my house. However Ecoflow had a Wifi Firmware update that closed a port his connection was using. But there are other ways to get in if you are interested.
This cloud-MQTT hack/approach works for my Delta Pro running Home Assistant on a linux server. I had to add the bms battery cycles sensor stuff to the package file.
Added to package file..... where "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" is your battery SN.

- name: "Ecoflow DPro Cycles"
# Note: Charging cycle is a duration of utilization when the battery is
# fully charged, completely drained, and wholly recharged.
force_update: true
state_topic: "bridge-ecoflow//app/device/property/XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"
value_template: >-
{% set value = value_json['params']['bmsMaster.cycles'] %}
{% if not value is defined %}
{{ this.state }}
{% else %}
{{ value | int("invalid") }}
{% endif %}
I know some all-in-one inverter units can "preferentially" charge when supplied with both AC and solar inputs, drawing from the AC only when solar isn't supplying enough. Does the EcoFlow Delta Pro have a similar behavior, or does it only charge from one input or another?
YES It does! See the attached pic.
I have it set to 200 W in addition to solar. As you can tell, it’s bringing in 376 w total between solar and AC power. And supplying 140 W to a refrigerator. But as I’ve noticed, as solar increases, the AC power decreases below 200 W. And that AC power charging is adjustable in the app at 200 W increments.
Here in Northwest Florida at 8 AM already getting 76 W on a cloudy day. And panels aren’t even facing south at all.


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YES It does! See the attached pic.
I have it set to 200 W in addition to solar. As you can tell, it’s bringing in 376 w total between solar and AC power. And supplying 140 W to a refrigerator. But as I’ve noticed, as solar increases, the AC power decreases below 200 W. And that AC power charging is adjustable in the app at 200 W increments.
Here in Northwest Florida at 8 AM already getting 76 W on a cloudy day. And panels aren’t even facing south at all.
Oops my bad. Solar is 65w.
Tym, How do you have your Delta Pros hooked up? Solar in with the XT60i and the 120vac with the plug? Or AC some other way...Through the Smart Home Panel?
Not sure about the Delta Pro. But the River Pro I have can't.
I have tried this on my delta2 AC charge set at 400w and the ecoflow 220w bifacial panels connected at the same time and it appears to combine the watts together charging. I assume as solar reduces as its getting dark the wattage will come down to AC only. Haven't tested that to confirm yet. Will post later on that.
Yep...it will combine the inputs to charge the battery. If support told you otherwise they are confused. :)

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