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diy solar

diy solar

Sol-Ark extends detailed Production Data Storage Time


Electronic Engineer
May 1, 2021
I just noticed today that my detailed info on daily production has gone from 12 Months to 18 Months with MySolArk.
Before under PVPro it only kept one year of detailed Archived Data, so this is a nice improvement with MySolArk.
I think this happened on the 22 Jan when they did the updates to the servers.
I am hoping that they migrate over all of the detailed Archived data from the PVPro servers.
As of now I can go back to Aug 15 2023.
This is great for seeing if there is any degradation in Battery Capacity and PV Generation Year over Year on the exact days using days that both have no cloud coverage.

Production Aug_15_2023.jpg

I also noticed more BMS info is now available. Maybe it was there before and I did not notice?
I now count 67 Parameters where before I think it was 63.


diy solar

diy solar