diy solar

diy solar

Solar Panel Glass & Coatings -- looking for advice!


New Member
Apr 12, 2021
Hi everyone!

We are a student-faculty team at Penn State University funded by the National Science Foundation to explore commercial opportunities for a bio-inspired anti-reflective coating technology. Potential use cases of these materials include solar panel energy harvesting efficiency and self-cleaning.

We are looking to connect with anyone involved in solar-panel installation, cleaning, maintenance, etc, including homeowners with solar roofs, solar farm managers/owners/stakeholders, individuals involved in solar panel maintenance/cleaning, and solar panel installation services.

If this is a space you are familiar with or care about, would you be willing to speaking to us for a 15-min interview? If so please click below to sign up for a time (interviews conducted from April 5 - April 30):

Thanks so much!

About the team/lab:
About the technology:
About the NSF program:

Edit: Also just wanted to clarify that we're not selling anything, just exploring use-cases of our technology.
Why would you want to put an anti-reflective coating on a solar panel? I skimmed the article on the Nature website. There are no details of the benefit of the coating on a solar panel.