diy solar

diy solar

solar shed to run Portable AC


New Member
May 21, 2021
I have four 350 watt panels for my shed roof. I would like to make on offline system to run my 10 Amp portable AC unit on my covered porch.
My shed roof has 2 panels pointing slightly East and 2 panels pointing slightly West. I would like to have a hybrid charge controller and inverter. What is the the simplest way to maximize the charge on the panels. I think I would like to use a MTTP system. Not sure whether microcontrollers or a simpler method of miximizing each panel would work best??? Thanks in advance for your ideas.

solar hybrid controller and batteries.jpg

For now I have one panel on each opposite side connected together in a string of 2. These are ballast hung from hinges on the top. I will soon connect each set of three on a side with a bar and make some sort of device that can move 4 feet to lift the far side in the morning and then do the opposite in the afternoon. As it is Im getting 1400-1600 watts from 2000 watts of panels from 10:30 to 1:30 each day and use battery assist in the afternoons as the sun passes over. This is enough to run my 1100 watt AC all day which was my goal. But since Im retired and like making things I will design something to lift ~ 150 pounds on each side as a unit to be all the same angle as the other side. Probably a four foot piece of 1 inch all-thread and a bolt welded on a tube with one of them getting a high torque low speed motor. My neighbor suggested I design it so I can just attach my portable drill and zip it up or down once or twice a day. This way all panels can directly face the sun and give full power 2 or 3 times a day depending on how often I manually move them.

As my electronics improves I will program a device to move them incrementally to face the sun each hour either by time or by sun sensor devices.
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