diy solar

diy solar

Solar Shingles - anybody have experience or thoughts?


Participation Medalist
Nov 5, 2019
Silicon Valley
I have a friend who is asking about installing solar on his house. He is anticipating replacing his roof and wondering if solar shingles is a good solution. Not many examples of folks using them on this forum so thought I'd ask.

Some of the search hits are in regards to Tesla's spectrum of offerings. Anybody hear of using the solar shingles with a Powerwall? Or is there a better brand/tech than what Tesla has (had?).

With standard roofing materials if you need roof maintenance, or really anything roof related, you just call in your standard roofer / tradie. If you use solar shingles etc, any time you have to get something done to the roof you now need a roofer / tradie, that is also an electrician qualified to work with your shingles. I'm not sure that would do to the expense but I'm guessing it would go up.

TBH I don't even know if that scenario would apply in the US but it definitely would in Australia.
I've got no specific insight into this beyond reading a few basic intro articles about solar shingles.

From what I recall the one line synopsis, is they cost substantially more, produce about 25% less per square foot, have a similar warranty length, but look a hell of a lot cleaner than most traditional PV arrays. Personally I really like the concept and hope it proves successful, but would be nervous about jumping on board just yet.
Only reason to use them is if your brown shirts are patrolling with satellite and drones, so you need stealth solar.
But like the soup can safe, they will figure it out eventually. Not sure you can even buy them, you have to pay a contractor to put them on which defeats the stealth. Which also means if you loose a shingle, you can't get a replacement one either.
They are not adjustable to point for optimum sun capture either. I liked the concept, but the execution of them fell short.