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diy solar

diy solar

Solarthon modbus registers


New Member
Nov 14, 2024
I have a solarthon 8KW inverter. I want to access data from it, but I can get no information from the manufacturer or the web.

It has an RJ45 plug at the bottom, so I plugged it into my network! I see an ip address with port 502 open. I am trying python scripts using
pymodbus and ModbusTcpClient. I sem to connect to a modbus server, but I cannot interpret anything that I read on the registers. I have tried assuming the register map is according to several different manufacturers (Deye, Sunspec and others), but I am getting nowhere. Solarthon are not responding to my queries, any ideas where to go from here to establish communications?
Try using the scan function on

It will display the register outputs in various formats so you can see which one make sense.

Formats it displays are unsigned 16, unsigned 32, float and ASCII

Without the makers register map it will be difficult even with this tool.

diy solar

diy solar