diy solar

diy solar

"SouthROL" Daly 8S BMS clone... 0 current?

Did you change that setting or did it come with a bad configuration?
Did you purchase this from Current connected?
If yes, you should let them know.
If one setting was bad on arrival, all the key/vals should be checked.
As stated above I purchased from South LAN store on aliexpress. Did not intentionally change the value but cannot rule out unintended, lots going on here and no empty/isolated work space. Either way, a factory default should have reset the value to default and did not. I have made repeated factory defaults on this attempting to make it restore the factory values, the unit nor software does anything to tell you the factory reset has been successful so since the values stay the same I can only assume it failed.

I have contacted South LAN store with an update on the current reading situation, also asked for a copy of firmware and a default value for my particular (250A) unit.
Still awaiting a reply from South LAN store about the default setting but 1mR seems the magic number. It closely matches the clamp meter.

Also, saw it balance for the first time today. Maybe this BMS isnt a lemon after-all.
Still awaiting a reply from South LAN store about the default setting but 1mR seems the magic number. It closely matches the clamp meter.

Also, saw it balance for the first time today. Maybe this BMS isnt a lemon after-all.
The dalys only balance when they see a charge current and the other parameters are met, so yes the 0a current reading would have been the cause of this.