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diy solar

diy solar

Super cheap cells on Aliexpress


Solar Enthusiast
Jan 4, 2021
What's the reason for this I wonder? Complete scam, or they deliver bad cells?

I know I shouldn't risk it, just curious if they would make a cheap reduced capacity battery. Recycling innit!
When you have 4S, 100ah and add a 100A BMS, busbars and an enclosure to it, it's not that much cheaper than a PowerQueen on Amazon.
When it is too good to be true, but some people will still fall for it, the store shows 73 orders.
16 100Ah for $500 with free shipping (30kg) to US, that is only $31.25 a piece, so many red flags.
I am following the thread below to see what the end result is.
What do you think... 100 euro for 2 pieces 138Ah blade, including shipping?

Aliexpress in general is a red flag for batteries. And yet still people are buying or even considering it....

Maybe people should do some research.. that would reduce the amount of people scammed by 99%, but appearantly many are too stupid to do so.
What do you think... 100 euro for 2 pieces 138Ah blade, including shipping?

Aliexpress in general is a red flag for batteries. And yet still people are buying or even considering it....

Maybe people should do some research.. that would reduce the amount of people scammed by 99%, but appearantly many are too stupid to do so.
what type of scam is it? They send poor quality cells, or they send nothing?
What is wrong with people? Why would you even look at a seller like that? I no longer feel sorry for cheap buyers that get scammed. I'm sad to say this, but they deserve it. There is enough information out there that says don't do it, but they still do.

I paid $85 plus shipping per cell for new EVE 230Ah cells from Docan. $62.50 for 100Ah cells doesn't sound all that great in the first place.
Me too last year. But this includes the shipping even for small quantities, and is smaller cells that are not as good value.

But opinion seems to be divided whether it's not that cheap, or whether it's way to cheap to be true.

I just wonder if it's a total scam that I'm not familiar with, and they do something to try and evade the buyer protection. Or they're just time wasters in some other way.
What's the reason for this I wonder? Complete scam, or they deliver bad cells?

I know I shouldn't risk it, just curious if they would make a cheap reduced capacity battery. Recycling innit!
I got my 200ah 4s cells from AliExpress. Sorry to say that I didn't do my due diligence research first here in the chat. Every cell capacity tested as well as assembled battery. Only got 191ah everytime. Didn't file a claim because I was too late getting to the capacity testing. Upgrading to 191ah Lifepo4 from 55ah sla battery (27.5ah usable) is still worth the lacking 9ah shortage.
Consider yourself lucky to only have a 9Ahr shortfall. The link posted was for a 100 Ahr so I could not confirm if the price was reasonable?
But opinion seems to be divided whether it's not that cheap, or whether it's way to cheap to be true.
I'll do the math differently. I paid about 45 cents per Ah shipped from China. The price you quoted is 62.5 cents per Ah, and from an unknown vendor.
I'll do the math differently. I paid about 45 cents per Ah shipped from China. The price you quoted is 62.5 cents per Ah, and from an unknown vendor.
Yep. But folks queuing up to say that they are way too cheap and I deserve to be ripped off if I were to take the seller up on their offer. No one has any detail on what the scam may consist of. They could just be poor quality rejected cell. Itw all very well comparing £ per Ah but I doubt there's anywhere substantially cheaper for 4 x (supposedly) 100Ah cells delivered in (supposedly) 1 month?

With VAT i make it 30p per Ah. So that's 37 US cents.
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Yep. But folks queuing up to say that they are way too cheap and I deserve to be ripped off if I were to take the seller up on their offer. No one has any detail on what the scam may consist of. They could just be poor quality rejected cell. Itw all very well comparing £ per Ah but I doubt there's anywhere substantially cheaper for 4 x (supposedly) 100Ah cells delivered in (supposedly) 1 month?

With VAT i make it 30p per Ah. So that's 37 US cents.
I'm not sure what you are looking for here. You want details on a scam that hasn't happened to you yet. The whole point is that Aliexpress is full of disreputable vendors. If you want an adventure, buy through them. You might get great cells, you might get weak cells, you might get bricks, you might get very frustrated. Be sure to report your results here!
But folks queuing up to say that they are way too cheap and I deserve to be ripped off if I were to take the seller up on their offer. No one has any detail on what the scam may consist of.
As others have said, we can't tell you exactly what type of scam will happen to you. Some scams that I believe have been reported here on the forum:
  1. Cells that are way less Ah than advertised, and usually inconsistent across the cells purchased.
  2. Damaged and/or bulging cells that have clearly been not only used but abused.
  3. Cells that never get delivered, but the store manufactures a fake delivery history to show they did get delivered. It seem Aliexpress just accepts the fake evidence and the buyer is out the money.
  4. Cells that otherwise are OK, but not what was advertised. An example is all the 320Ah cells that are for sale, even though no manufacturers do 320Ah. These are 304Ah cells that the sell - when pushed - says generally provide more like 320Ah of capacity. Not as bad as the other cases, but still false advertising.
If you persist and want to try it, please report back here. Maybe you can provide a #5!
You want to know what the scam is? Send $100 US to my PayPal account [as a gift] and I will let you know.

I also have some solid gold bars for sale soon. As soon as the paint dries. Half the price anyone else has on the market.
You want to know what the scam is? Send $100 US to my PayPal account [as a gift] and I will let you know.

I also have some solid gold bars for sale soon. As soon as the paint dries. Half the price anyone else has on the market.

diy solar

diy solar