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diy solar

diy solar

Tesla Model 3 Battery with Solis HV Inverter


New Member
Dec 10, 2020
I have 2 Solis HV Hybrid Inverters (S6-EH1P11.4K-H-US) running my house with a grid-tied option currently. I also have 2 full Tesla Model 3 Battery Packs (400V DC Max, 350V DC nominal) with 70kwh each (totaling about 140kwh in parallel). Has anyone had any success in running a DIY battery setup with the Solis Inverter setup? I will be using the Orion BMS 2 to manage my batteries which will hopefully communicate with the inverter.
You do know you cannot size the load on the feeder at 90C correct? Meaning you cannot load it over 115A calculated load.
I guess please elaborate more ? Sorry I am fairly new-ish to certain electrical terms
I don't believe I mentioned any wire size at all lol and I would certainly oversize the wires I need in order to safely connect the battery to the inverter's terminals as well as abide by the manufacturer's largest wire size the connector will accept. I did this with all of the other wires to avoid any small wire fire hazards. Safety first for sure!

But with that, even the battery will only see a few amps be pulled through (max usage of 22.8kw at 1 given time at 350V DC side is only 65A) I don't think I will ever hit that top 20% of the 22.8kw power peak. But even then, it is split between the 2 inverters of 11.4 kw each inverter (32.5A). The manufacture states the largest wire I can use for their terminal is a 6AWG wire.
I have 2 Solis HV Hybrid Inverters (S6-EH1P11.4K-H-US) running my house with a grid-tied option currently. I also have 2 full Tesla Model 3 Battery Packs (400V DC Max, 350V DC nominal) with 70kwh each (totaling about 140kwh in parallel). Has anyone had any success in running a DIY battery setup with the Solis Inverter setup? I will be using the Orion BMS 2 to manage my batteries which will hopefully communicate with the inverter.

You do know you cannot size the load on the feeder at 90C correct? Meaning you cannot load it over 115A calculated load.

Was @Supervstech dreaming, or am I missing something :unsure:;)

Anyway, I only clicked on this link to tag @Solar Guppy as he has the most experience of HV Solis inverters on here!
Yes, I have been in discussion with him a lot on this subject, but was curious if others within the forum had anything similar. @Solar Guppy is very knowledgable about this system.
I just installed an S6 11.4kW inverter. I haven't finalized the battery setup yet (need to complete the cell-level monitoring on the BMS), but the Batrium Watchmon Core successfully communicates with the S6 using the BYD_WTS_HVL protocol using basic voltage and current reporting only. If the orion bms can communicate using one of the S6' built-in protocols, that would be a start. The inverter just needs comms with the BMS regarding voltage and current - it doesn't care about the cell-level information. The cells do need to be balanced, but the unit communicating to the invertter and the unit doing the balancing don't necessarily need to be the same. Hopefully you've built battery packs before or done a DIY pack with BMS implementation? Though I laud your desire, the project you outlined above is not one for beginners.

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diy solar