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diy solar

diy solar

Text between the boss and myself this 20°F morning.

Then just at 1:45 pm Boss gives me a call to which I answer. " Good afternoon boss"

B: Good afternoon; so you decided to stay this morning and not show up?

Me: No; I didn't decide; I told you this morning.

B: you said you'd be here within the hour.

Me: no; there is a semi colon along with a conditional statement If.

B: I guess it was a misunderstanding..
Are you going to be coming in tomorrow?

Me: Yes; I saw on the board that I was scheduled for a call in the field.

B: ok; then I'll see you tomorrow. Then we'll have a little chat in my office you and me.. we need to have a little chat.

Wife: I told you!

Me: worse case scenario; the job ends, we'll just pay off the debts.

I'm a field tech; not a metal workshop employee.

What do you guys think? 😂
I dont know your exact worth to that business, or the demand for those with your skills in your local job market.
In ignorance of those details and your previous history, IME this situation usually results in a serious talking to, if youve had problems before, you may be soon cleaning out your desk.

Your initial contact would be passable by someone irreplaceable, who has just come off a period of significant output and needs a break.

If it was simply a matter of you felt youd rather be at home taking care of non critical tasks and it was too cold to be at work, that takes a lot of balls.

His answer was pretty clear.

I think you need to clarify your job description. Does it say youre only a field tech and youre not working out of/reporting to the shop? Or do your duties also include supporting overflow work in house when needed? Is your boss the owner?
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If he has to ask us he clearly isn't an irreplaceable asset and the grammar lesson didn't help him either. It's like insulting a cops intelligence during a traffic stop it might feel good at the moment but is likely to make your overall position worse.
If he has to ask us he clearly isn't an irreplaceable asset and the grammar lesson didn't help him either. It's like insulting a cops intelligence during a traffic stop it might feel good at the moment but is likely to make your overall position worse.
Very true.. that is why I have learned to not depend on a job or be enslaved to consumerism & debt. That gives leverage because one isn't part of the "Force Labor" hence you can just decide at any moment not to work anymore and hardly easily replaced.

Had a chat with him this morning; we concluded with not having to work at the shop any longer :)

That came after the
"Well if there isn't field work for this tech to do; I prioritize working around the house over monotonous metal workshop day any time. I'm a tech, not a metal worker".

He is a great boss and it's a great place to work for; except when they know you are in need of $ then they will make you do all sorts of odd jobs.
Texting instead of a short phone call seems to be the error in communications. lead to un-necessary misunderstanding.
If you're a field tech, and willing to be paid part time to do that work when available, so be it. Pay per week may suffer, maybe that is ok with you.

But it sounds like you may be better suited to work for yourself, independent contractor, on a call out basis, to anyone that needs your skill set. Then there is no need to ask if it's okay to stick around the house when there are no call outs. You may also feel better with that level of control over your time.
The risk is the 'boss' decides to find someone else, and you don't get call outs. Or not from him at least.
As someone already said above, if your skills are needed in the area and not easily replaced, you are in a stronger position.

I have found in my work, being able to do something no-one else can, and even if they could, they wouldn't want to do, is a good way to make money.
Then just at 1:45 pm Boss gives me a call to which I answer. " Good afternoon boss"

B: Good afternoon; so you decided to stay this morning and not show up?

Me: No; I didn't decide; I told you this morning.

B: you said you'd be here within the hour.

Me: no; there is a semi colon along with a conditional statement If.

B: I guess it was a misunderstanding..
Are you going to be coming in tomorrow?

Me: Yes; I saw on the board that I was scheduled for a call in the field.

B: ok; then I'll see you tomorrow. Then we'll have a little chat in my office you and me.. we need to have a little chat.

Wife: I told you!

Me: worse case scenario; the job ends, we'll just pay off the debts.

I'm a field tech; not a metal workshop employee.

What do you guys think? 😂

Are you Canadian?
  • Haha
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if that was the only difference between conditions faced by each, perhaps.
My wife sent me that one..

I was pretty independent growing up without a lot of supervision. " I do what I want". Where she grew up in a very structured family.

I don't know. In hindsight, I think I got the better into the deal 🤣

Her main meeting was pertaining to all my toys 🚀

But then again I worked hard and bought them all myself. Keeping the economy going in the capitalistic dream 👍
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My parents grew up during the great depression, and it influenced every decision they made.
I lived with my father's parents for a year when I was very young - they were born in the 1880's and saw the inventions of steam ships, cars and airplanes; my grandfather was an artillery Captin during WWI (the Great War he called it) my grandmother was a teacher in a one-room school house in the vast frozen prairies of Saskatchewan. They knew tough times and it affected evey decision they made.

I grew up in the relative stability and prosperity of the 70's-80's and knew only what they taught me of real hardship, while my own children grew up knowing nearly nothing of 'tough times' or the value of hard work. Now in my 60's I think nothing of stripping and reshingle a roof myself, while my youngest SIL is too lazy to wak his own dog (pays a dog walker !?) - aside from the strictness of dicipline, soft times produce soft people it seems...
My parents grew up during the great depression, and it influenced every decision they made.
I lived with my father's parents for a year when I was very young - they were born in the 1880's and saw the inventions of steam ships, cars and airplanes; my grandfather was an artillery Captin during WWI (the Great War he called it) my grandmother was a teacher in a one-room school house in the vast frozen prairies of Saskatchewan. They knew tough times and it affected evey decision they made.

I grew up in the relative stability and prosperity of the 70's-80's and knew only what they taught me of real hardship, while my own children grew up knowing nearly nothing of 'tough times' or the value of hard work. Now in my 60's I think nothing of stripping and reshingle a roof myself, while my youngest SIL is too lazy to wak his own dog (pays a dog walker !?) - aside from the strictness of dicipline, soft times produce soft people it seems...
I have a similar issue with my daughter. Fortunately my son turned out pretty good.

Somehow our generation who excelled has raised some of laziest offspring.

I don't blame myself because I tried so many different things. I don't know what I did wrong. It must have been all the outside influences.

My daughter would want some money I would offer her $40 to just do a quick wash on a truck and she would snub her nose up at it.

My goal was to overpay but at least get her to start doing the work. Somehow money grew on trees. They didn't have any of the financial stresses. Even now as she's faced with financial stress and the bank of Bob has closed, she struggles to learn the lesson.
Texting instead of a short phone call seems to be the error in communications.
I find even I no longer want to talk to people.
I rather text myself....

I never was that way until I got a cell phone.
A ringing phone had to be answered.
Now I am annoyed at phone calls and I rather get a text to tell me what you and I can decide later if I think it warrens a response

if your skills are needed in the area and not easily replaced, you are in a stronger position.
I think we are all disposable implements these days..
We had a guy from Thompson on our crew starting last year.
He was a lot like this guy and he quietly just ghosted his job away.
No idea where he went...

the vast frozen prairies of Saskatchewan.
I want to be a Pirate on the river sasktchewan...
CO-OP store in the background :)
I guess I am just old.
I figure something as important as "should I come into work today, where others rely on me, or can I take a day to deal with my house that is freezing cold" might warrant an actual 60-second phone-call two-way discussion, instead of a cryptic text and later drama over the mis-understanding.
The "boss" could also have taken 60-seconds to call and confirm the plan for the day - communications are two way street.
I used to call that guy AndyCap like the cartoon.
He as a good worker when motivated...

Inco never hired a dog fucker, but they sure created a few.
Now its worse.

Not a lot of motivation from people who feel no loyalty
I find even I no longer want to talk to people.
I rather text myself....

I never was that way until I got a cell phone.
A ringing phone had to be answered.
Now I am annoyed at phone calls and I rather get a text to tell me what you and I can decide later if I think it warrens a response

I think we are all disposable implements these days..
We had a guy from Thompson on our crew starting last year.
He was a lot like this guy and he quietly just ghosted his job away.
No idea where he went...

I want to be a Pirate on the river sasktchewan...
CO-OP store in the background :)
I just don't get the getting up to complete someone else's tasks. I know it's a job; but not a lifestyle. People working from 6-6pm 5 days a week.. money in the bank; no time to spend with love ones and no time to enjoy your toys while your youth drifts away.. it's utterly nonsense. "Toiling after the wind"

People just piss away their time. And life; no affiliation to Christ and his ways whatsoever... "Do not be worried for anything; for everyday will bring it's own toils. "

I also prefer to text since my time is precious and the way I live life in accordance to scriptures; my yes is yes and my no is no: in light of this; I often commit myself into something without thinking clearly because of at phone call or a face to face. With a text I can decide when to reply or even if to reply.
I guess I am just old.
I figure something as important as "should I come into work today, where others rely on me, or can I take a day to deal with my house that is freezing cold" might warrant an actual 60-second phone-call two-way discussion, instead of a cryptic text and later drama over the mis-understanding.
The "boss" could also have taken 60-seconds to call and confirm the plan for the day - communications are two way street.
At work there is a board that tells where each tech is assigned to for the week; sometimes it changes but it's never empty. I had seen the previous day that it was empty; therefore I knew to text him and find out what was to be done.

Since I had no outcall; I'd prefer to stay home and take care of things that are worth way more that a day of toil.

Even if he would have called; I wouldn't have answered. Why? Because my time is my time; and when I am on the clock is his time. When I am home; it's my time.
I just don't get the getting up to complete someone else's tasks.
Well are you Jr, qualified?

I got a narcissist on my crew jr to me and he knows better than to ask me to take out the garbage.
But he rides the apprentices.
I tell them all when they start " would you like mew to call you by your African name or your slave name ?"

I tell them I can carry my own tools and I will never ask you to do a job I am not willing to do myself...
And I tell each one if he/she is ever directed to carry another more senior electricians tools that he should look for a puddle or hole and stumble to drop them in it...

But at the end of the day they are all Jr to me even the Narcissist and I don't take out garbage..
Sometimes I wash the floor but I like to play with the hose...

Someday when your old like me you can dictate what you will and will not do.
But use your powers for good not evil....

You see the secret to my success is I just say everything thing stinks, then I am never wrong...
Now shut up and make some coffee lol....

diy solar

diy solar