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diy solar

The Trump show

Oh you young fellows and your up buttons lol...

I'm familiar with a lot of things but if you just say Sanders for all I know you could be talking about the Colonel and his fired Chicken.....
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That is true and if you feed them hormones raise factory meat.

I work with a young fellow that raises cattle.
Sells them locally.
His beef is roughly the same cost, grass feed hormone free.
Yes a touch leaner and the wife says it tastes funny so I don't buy much from him
That taste is the grass....
no need to add hormones just the corn alone will fatten them quickly. the hormones are a factory farm thing to run profits even higher. the grass fed gives it a wild taste the same as mutton, deer etc. feed a lamb corn meal 24-7 and see what it tastes like.
Oh you young fellows and your up buttons lol...
no need to add hormones just the corn alone will fatten them quickly. the hormones are a factory farm thing to run profits even higher. the grass fed gives it a wild taste the same as mutton, deer etc. feed a lamb corn meal 24-7 and see what it tastes like.
We do the hormone thing here does speed things up but the only place to sell the beef is the USA
why is it the only place? Canadian beef not good enough for Canadians? or is it a Canadian Bacon or nothing scenario?
No we eat it our food safety policies are pretty close to harmonized.
Its just the rest of the world where hormone beef is shunned.
Like the EU and UK will not buy our beef and chicken for example.

One of those things we might have to change if we want to expand out exports out of norther America.
Depends on the type of grass. In our pasture we have mostly black grama. Our steers get fat and grow quickly on this native grass because its 21% protein compared to orchard grass, timothy etc at 6% protein. the excess protein is turned into fat reserves. it is not gamey.
the grass fed gives it a wild taste
Finally an American Politician - Trump is sticking up for white ppl that have had land stolen from them and or murdered in South Africa. The Boer. These ppl have lived in Africa for a century or more. They are white South Africians...being robbed and murdered because of their skin color - being white. Biden basically sit by and allowed it. These white ppl have been shit on enough. About time a politicial leader stood up for them. These African Leaders are in danger if do not comply....1 leader in particular publicly calls for ALL whites to be killed.

I am sure Musk being former South Africa had something to do with it. Been long over due.

We should have supported Apartheid.....the Boer. They did the heavy lifting.
Africa has been destabilized every since it was removed.

Mandella was a communist cunt and his wife was big and up front about necklacing ppl with a burning tire around their neck TORTURE. Fuck them commie mfers over in Africa. Half the population of Africa are mudslim commie.

Madikizela-Mandela endorsed the necklacing of alleged police informers and apartheid government collaborators, and her security detail carried out kidnapping, torture, and murder, most notoriously the killing of 14-year-old Stompie Seipei whose kidnapping she was convicted of.

Nelson Mandela was released from prison on 11 February 1990, and the couple separated in 1992; their divorce was finalised in March 1996. She visited him during his final illness.[23] As a senior ANC figure, she took part in the post-apartheid ANC government, although she was dismissed from her post amid allegations of corruption.

Fuck them commie bastards.

Edit added her favorite line
During a speech in Munsieville on 13 April 1986, Madikizela-Mandela endorsed the practice of necklacing (burning people alive using rubber tyres filled with petrol) by saying: "With our boxes of matches and our necklaces we shall liberate this country."
Wiki link
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I thought Trudeau resigned?
He cant just walk away.
Well he could but it would mess up the current sitting of the house because the government needs a prime minister
There needs to be a leadership convention to pick a new leader or the party has to have a quick vote to pick an interim leader if he gives up his seat in parliament.

There could be an election at any time if there is a confidence vote.
( that means if there is a bill up for reading and the gov fails to get enough votes to pass it the government falls and this triggers an election )
We have a minority gov right now, no one party has enough seats for a majority so the NDP party has been supporting the liberals.
The NDP withdrew there support and now every vote is a free vote until the government can no longer get enough support and this trigger an election...

Or the gov can prorogue and end this session of the house and call an election...

Or the gov can try and wait until this section is over set an election date and convention ahead of that date to pick a new leader.

Its kind of like how your senate must pick a leader or nothing gets done without one.
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We invented the concentration camp for them....

Well sort of.
Dark chapter...
The Boer war was about gold and the British colonial government wanted their land
They were Dutch you see...

They were rounded up and put in camps until such time as they starved or learned to except the Empire ( making darth vader noises use your imagination )...

Among others we sent Sam Steel the greatest Mountie ever to form the back bone of new south African police force ( like Duddly Doright except he killed people )

A lot of Boers were killed or starved out.
It really was a shit show that history has white washed.

The Boers and white south Africans never forgot how they were treated and its part of the reason they had such a hate of for the blacks, Indians and one of the reasons they were not welcome in the common wealth ( along with the Rhodesian )

This is really corny but supposed to be a true story of a gambler that was escorted back to the USA for drawing a gun on him...

Another foot note:
Cuba had at one point 50,000 troops in Angola fighting south African and Rodeisan remnants for control of Angola in one of the bloodies of the African bush wars.
They were the only ones to every actually manage to put down the western and south African anti Marxist forces that had been fighting each other for decades since colonialism ended in the southern part of Africa.
The word shit show is an understatement...

The Olifant ( hard to see but there is a Centurion under all those upgrades sporting a 22 pounder or L7 gun...
South Africa made a lot of their own weapons because no one would sell them anything.

With a little help from Israel the South Africans also built some nuclear weapons as a back stop against further Cuban aggression..
They tested a proto type at sea with Israel.
The flash was seen but no one said nothing as it may have added more fire to Bush wars and shit show in general...

The black south African gov to this day has enough highly enriched Uranium for 6 bombs in a poorly guarded location that no one talks about quietly worries over...

Actual south African atomic bomb casings...
The bombs were to be dropped from Cambera bombers ( Lincolns too if things were desperate enough. Yes they still flew a variant of the Lancaster !!! no kidding they had to mend and make due )



History could have been very different.
British bomber crews would have dropped fat man in on Japan had modified B29s not been ready.
Huge bomb bay bigger than the lanc and longer range

Thus ends another episode of history lessons no one asked for lol...
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I'm glad to see Trump shutting down the foreign students protesting while carrying foreign flags. Those were likely paid influencers targeting dumbassed kids.

There is a reason Mao's Red Guard kids were killing people over 30 and Pol Pot's Khmer Rouge kids were killing anyone who could read,. It ties in with the college kids in America chanting to trust nobody over 30 and the movie Logan's Run describing a utopia where everyone was killed at age 30 for the good of society.
I'm glad to see Trump shutting down the foreign students protesting while carrying foreign flags. Those were likely paid influencers targeting dumbassed kids.

There is a reason Mao's Red Guard kids were killing people over 30 and Pol Pot's Khmer Rouge kids were killing anyone who could read,. It ties in with the college kids in America chanting to trust nobody over 30 and the movie Logan's Run describing a utopia where everyone was killed at age 30 for the good of society.
yeah about the time that shit moved out fo the cities they would have been in for a big surprise.
The first 3 photos depict events in ancient history, things nobody alive today experienced as perpetrators nor victims. I know its common for flaming liberal pieces of shit like you to always bring up native americans, but I, as a native american, that is born here, then placed up for adoption by parents I did not know, have every right to be here as any of the injuns you pretend to love. I do not subscribe to this absurd notion that I owe someone something because someone elses ancestor did something to theirs 209 years ago. I DONT KNOW WHO MY PARENTS ARE AND BEING BORN FROM A TRIBE WITH ANCESTRY HERE DOES NOT MAKE ANYONE A BIT MORE PRIVILIGED TO BE IN THIS COUNTRY THAN MY BIRTH DOES. What youre implying is I should feel shame not for my actions nor even those of unknown ancestors but for the color of my skin and thats blatantly RACIST.
So kindly go fuck yourself.
I dont know what the point of that last picture is. Were those the cages that began to be used when Obama was president? People complain that we allegedly lost thousands of kids. Well a cage might prevent that. Cant keep you whiners happy can we.
Again, I didnt put them there and again youre implying my identity as a white American should compel me to feel shame for policies far out of my control.
Its sad that useless fucks like you need these obvious truths explained to you. Or that you would pretend to be championing the causes of POC but instead the concepts you believe in and promote are as racist as they could be.
Or that you would pretend to be championing the causes of POC but instead the concepts you believe in and promote are as racist as they could be.
Batvette, your insatiable greed is not new as depicted in the images I posted, and what you rant as racist
is nothing of the kind, greed sees no colors, sees no nationality, it only sees your wants.

some may think your greed is a cause of the 60's & 70's efforts to make room for all here in the US
but as the pictures depict your greed/wants are not new

when the only thing standing between yous and your wants is our government for all the people ..... only time will tell


PS: my line "our government for all the people" in fact included all the people of the world
like canada, greenland, mexico and panama from your wants/greed
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Batvette, your insatiable greed is not new as depicted in the images I posted, and what you rant as racist
is nothing of the kind, greed sees no colors, sees no nationality, it only sees your wants.

some may think your greed is a cause of the 60's & 70's efforts to make room for all here in the US
but as the pictures depict your greed/wants are not new

when the only thing standing between yous and your wants is our government for all the people ..... only time will tell

View attachment 275547

PS: my line "our government for all the people" in fact included all the people of the world
like canada, greenland, mexico and panama from your wants/greed

Isn't it nice to be able to exercise your ability to virtue signal while being completely isolated and protected from the consequences of your pretend belief system?
Batvette, your insatiable greed is not new as depicted in the images I posted, and what you rant as racist
is nothing of the kind, greed sees no colors, sees no nationality, it only sees your wants.

some may think your greed is a cause of the 60's & 70's efforts to make room for all here in the US
but as the pictures depict your greed/wants are not new

when the only thing standing between yous and your wants is our government for all the people ..... only time will tell

View attachment 275547
what the hell is that a self portrait with MAGA photo shopped over it in an attempt to camouflage yourself?
No he makes a point about greed
Its even in the bible....
you know the bible is only a collection of short stories with the occasional self help survival guide for dummies from 2-3k years ago? I mean the 10 commandments? a guide to getting along in your society... don't eat pork and shellfish? yeah back then bacteria and food borne parasites were beyond them...just safer not to eat to begin with...

their is a higher power if you will but you will not find it in any of the organized religions nor their teachings as their teachings are all about control of other humans... control for wealth purposes, for governmental purposes etc etc etc... organized religions are no different then politicians
ken, I must caution you, the greed I'm talking about is also found in crackheads

View attachment 275558
how do they balance like that?
I've seen it right here in my own home town
I stopped one time to talk to a guy on a bench that was white as a sheet and unable to walk or respond.

I called for an ambulance..
What else can you do
Lately I see less and less of them and I hear fewer ambulances.
I don't know if that means things are getting better or if they are just dying off.

And there are fewer pan handlers but I think thats just because its cold outside.

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