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diy solar

diy solar

Time Inverter

OoOooh that's cool looking lol
I wonder what it did when it was plugged in? I bet that was even more cool!

I'd love to look inside...

With that coil on top and with that vaccum tube, it is probably an old tube radio from the 60's someone dressed up.

Back when I was a kid, I had an old Johnson CB tube radio. P.O.S. It put out about 2 watts on the 10 meter AM band using crystals for each frequency. It's reception was awful. I think I had about 5 channels. Not all 23.

When we used to upgrade we would sell off what crap we had to to kids we met on Channel 7, 11, or 13.

Anyway some of us would install a "Boost" switch. It wasn't actually wired into anything. Well, sometimes we wired in a dummy panel light for effect, to help sell a crappy CB radio to some self appointed snobby kid trying to police everyone as an official "REACT Monitoring Officer" in control of all traffic on Channel 9. REACT! Channel 9 was for LICENCED "Emergency Traffic Only". Respect My Authoritay. 👮‍♂️

We hated those guys. ... the stuff we got into, and all the sabotage we did to each other...

We jammed each other. We would hook up linear amplifyers to jam each other. Some guy bragged that they could point their MoonRaker Beam rotating anteanna at some rivals location, running some 1kw linear amplified monster rig with a Turner D105 lollipop microphone - and blow out the rival's radio by overloading its primary audio IF circuits. Maybe? We heard some stories... So we would go out with our mobile radios to triangulate where a transmission was coming from, and then go on raids to silence some guilty party with wire cutters. Kid stuff. I had my coax anteanna wires cut more than a few times too.

We were "South Park".

Memories ...

This funny retro whatever thing does have a lot of vintage charm going for it.
I bet it auctions for a few hundred bucks - you just watch !

Anyway, I couldn't resist sharing this with the newbees.

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Looks likes lights from an old automobile,
Parts n knobs from old radio/oven/gumball machine/...

Probably makes an ever-lasting-gobstopper when you plug it in😃

diy solar

diy solar