diy solar

diy solar

To wrap? Or not to wrap. That is the question.


New Member
Oct 4, 2021
So, after my 18650 burnout that we all chatted about, I received my next load of spim packs. I ordered some cut aluminum for the bus bars and I think they came together looking just great. Ignore the duck tape, just holding a plastic spacer temporarily.


So the question I have, is should I wrap these in plastic shrink wrap? Or should I just place them behind the plexiglass in the "fishtank" cage I built to hold them on the cycle.


Also ignore my messy shopfloor, I am under the weather and have not had time to clean it up after my kids attacked it.

This steel cages will have plexi on all sides, so no chance of metal contacting the bus bars. And I was thinking of running some purple leds inside it to add some glow.

Do you think that would be good? Or should I go with the plastic shrink wrap to guarantee everything stays put better.
Personally I wonder about wrapping battery packs myself. Seems like it would be better for air flow/cooling to leave them open.
Maybe use straps like heavy zip ties or something. To keep them tight in place.

Like the idea of having the inside glow.

Are you going to have some kind of ventilation ?
The top is going to be open during testing. Need to run some heat tests during usage to see if I will need to setup some type of waterproof vents or not on it.
Smaller/portable packs, I want to wrap to get trash out. Once wrapped, you can't easily get everything nor see everything, in the case you have some question about what is going on. Something closed but still accessible when needed would be my vote.