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diy solar

diy solar

Today's Daly SmartBMS Android App Update forces a firmware update which fails

Had same issue. Used secondary android device. Made sure play store was set to not auto update apps, went to APKPure and downloaded the 2.2.5 older version of Smart BMS app, and side loaded it. It gave me back the control of both of my Daly BMS's and no longer prompting for upgrade. May not be the answer but maybe a workaround for some.
Had same issue. Used secondary android device. Made sure play store was set to not auto update apps, went to APKPure and downloaded the 2.2.5 older version of Smart BMS app, and side loaded it. It gave me back the control of both of my Daly BMS's and no longer prompting for upgrade. May not be the answer but maybe a workaround for some.
Did not work for me… Older version just showing some placeholder data. The same, as the last version, but do not ask for upgrades.
私にはうまくいきませんでした...古いバージョンでは、プレースホルダー データが表示されるだけです。前回のバージョンと同じですが、アップグレードは求めません。
私も2.25 6 8試しましたが駄目でした。
Hey guys i resolved this issue

Heres what i did
Note my bms is a 150A 8s bms i have attached the file the sellers sent me
Pls contaxt seller to get your excat firm ware file.

1. Contacted seller requested firmware file

2. Got hold of a uart to usb cable

3 installed the usb software on the computer

4. Opened software. And opened the com port inside software
Software only shows comport is.open and green no parameters will be displayed

5. Opened update tab and selected update file and updated and issue was fixed.

Note update may fail if so pls unplug all the connections( to fully power doen bms and restsrt) to the bms including uart. Then only connect the negative lead and balance lead and nts temperature lead and uart , check id the bms is active by measuring if output voltage is there and then plug the uart to computer open comport on software and push update.
If it fails try again but fully power down bms by unplugging every thing and then make sure its actually turned on again before pushing update.


Did not work for me!
Think my BMS is bricked (4S 12V 60A).

I will also have to join the people who have thrown their Daly BMS's in the bin.
Did not work for me!
Think my BMS is bricked (4S 12V 60A).

I will also have to join the people who have thrown their Daly BMS's in the bin.
Lol i was about to do it but contacted the seller and got the correct firmware file best contact the seller and get the firmware file and after that its just 5 mins to fix the issue
The files here may not work corrextly as there are multiple versions of hardware and software. Best contact seller and get firmware file.
Lol, ich wollte es gerade tun, habe aber den Verkäufer kontaktiert und die richtige Firmware-Datei erhalten. Wenden Sie sich am besten an den Verkäufer und holen Sie sich die Firmware-Datei. Danach sind es nur 5 Minuten, um das Problem zu beheben
Die Dateien hier funktionieren möglicherweise nicht richtig, da es mehrere Versionen von Hardware und Software gibt. Wenden Sie sich am besten an den Verkäufer und erhalten Sie eine Firmware-Datei.
Funktioniert es auch, wenn vorher der Zugriff per Bluetooth nach dem abgebrochenen Firmwareupdate nicht möglich war?
Do not reboot or disconnect BMS or it will not boot up again after this failed upgrade.
Basically I think I didn't do the upgrade because the code wasn't accept. So any upgrade has started... Anyway I will not boot up the BMS so I hope it will work as usual with its setup also if I can't check batteries status. Thanks for your reply and I hope DALY will solve sooner...
Es funtioniert, BMS gerettet! DANKE FORUM !!!
It works, BMS saved! THANK YOU FORUM!!!
(Daly BMS LiFePo4 80A 8S 24V)



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i have attached a few firmware files that should work with differnt versions of the Daly 150A 24v 8s bms
Is it worth the risk to try on a 4s 200a one?

I do not get respons at all from where I get it from...
Hello everyone, I have the same problem. Is there also a solution for Daly BNS 4s 12v 200a RO5W1.
I would be very happy about an answer.
Did someone use not an original USB-UART converter for BMS connection? How do you connect pins?


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I said...f- it I'll try them all ... all gave a version error, so that was a good check....end then....DalyBmsApp_103_303(12_221130_100T)基版本.s19 started for me...slowly...file is from @Raivan, up here



Please, if you have managed to successfully reflash your BMS, could you specify the BMS model and firmware version.
I think it will be useful for others with the same update problem.

Thank you.
Ok, so I managed with the PC-master BMSmonitor v2.1.9 to upload and roll back to a working BMS, which was ruined as you can see in my previous posts>
The firmware here is linked and came from @Raivan the hardware I have is in one of the screenshots, its not a Daly, but they are 100% the same rebrands...DeliGreenCS
I tested my bluetooth with the app 2.4.0 and all is running like it was(even better!)....now hopefully the Chinese guy wants to cancel my order....already ordered another one...:cautious:
It still asks to upgrade the firmware :mad: why they don't have an emergency update for the app I have no idea!

Don't trust all the files here...I just got them also just from here...so you never know !!! Again @Raivan thanks allot !!!!!



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Hat jemand Firmware für ein 8s 100A?
Es wäre nett, wenn das jemand nach erfolgreicher Installation hier reinstellen könnte.
Lol i was about to do it but contacted the seller and got the correct firmware file best contact the seller and get the firmware file and after that its just 5 mins to fix the issue
The files here may not work corrextly as there are multiple versions of hardware and software. Best contact seller and get firmware file.
That is just it... Even with the firmware from the seller, and following the correct instructions, I cannot get the BMS to work?
Ich vermute, dass es etwas mit dem Zeitpunkt des Abrisses zu tun hat.
Ich habe das Update kurz nach der Veröffentlichung manuell ausgeführt, in der Hoffnung, dass es mein BMS-Problem mit falscher Strommessung und -anzeige lösen würde.

Zuerst funktionierte der Firmware-Code 123456 dreimal hintereinander, aber mit einem Abbruch nach mehr als 50%.
Danach wurde der Zugriff über 123456 gesperrt.

Meine Vermutung: Der Fehler wurde in China entdeckt und der schnellste Weg, das Chaos abzuwenden, war, den Zugang über den Code zu sperren!

Die Frage ist, wann der Download-Stream abgebrochen wurde......
Die Code 123456 ist nicht gesperrt, die Firmware im BMS ist nach fehlerhaftem Download abgeschossen. Bei zweitem Versuch erkennt Smart BMS Apps die Hardware nicht, und bietet kein Download (und 123456 Code) mehr.
Nach Absturz meldet sich BMS (Apps) mit 20200429-1.01T FW und funktioniert nicht, ist aber noch ansprechbar (UART).
Mit UART/USB Adapter, PC Master (V2.1.9) und passenden Firmware kann man den BMS retten. Mindestens bei mir war es so.
Die Einstellung Daten sind im Gerät erhalten (Parameter).
Nur Passende Firmware flashen (es gibt verschiedene HW Variante von Daly BMS).
Die Code 123456 ist nicht gesperrt, die Firmware im BMS ist nach fehlerhaftem Download abgeschossen. Bei zweitem Versuch erkennt Smart BMS Apps die Hardware nicht, und bietet keinen Download (und 123456 Code) mehr.
Nach Absturz meldet sich BMS (Apps) mit 20200429-1.01T FW und funktioniert nicht, ist aber noch ansprechbar (UART).
Mit UART/USB Adapter, PC Master (V2.1.9) und passender Firmware kann man den BMS retten. Mindestens bei mir war es so.
Die Einstellungsdaten sind im Gerät erhalten (Parameter).
Nur passende Firmware flashen (es gibt verschiedene HW Variante von Daly BMS).

diy solar

diy solar