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diy solar

diy solar


while I'm of no use for a trump topic, I specialize in stupid people(60+ years perfecting it) .

blatantly stupid people?
what if there was an evolutionary reason why people follow the printed text, "Brainwashed useful idiots", groupthink.
you would use words like woke, virtue signaling and the like, but what if you looked at nature, and practically animals
in nature that live in groups, it's fascinating watching large groups of birds and fish, and the only way for bees to survive
north or south of 20deg from the equator is by group think, they all need to shiver to control the hive environment.
and could that be the reason humans are still working on it is because of our limited experience(only 100,000 years), insects,
birds, buffalos have had millions of years

we have only started(100 years) to have groupthink in the million(32 million Tokyo, Japan) going to take some time
before we move like birds and fish :oops: while even they have members that refuse to follow the text, but they end up
being somethings food :unsure:

Apes may take a little longer, while they had more time but their largest tribe is only 200 so far :unsure:

and before you ask, yes someone can be that stupid (60+ years perfecting it)

for the last 40 years I've been sliding through chicago's tollway system at 90-100mph(a lot of times) yet
because of the shear volume of traffic I have yet to get a speeding ticket there.(power of flocks of birds/schools of fish/herds of bison )
or asshole driver's
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Bob, I think I can remove my retraction on page 178, found the court documents.
I'll post it if you want to check it, otherwise I'll head back to melting pot.
Your shit sucks hard
to look incompetent
Batvette, wakey, wakey!, take a glance at where you are


if this was a professional solar forum I may not feel right to post my half brained setup, here I feel welcomed :) (maybe not this topic)
I even feel invited here. :) (forum not topic)

Why are you showing this off
Batvette, because even with my BS setup results can be seen, and only one tool needed and from parts gotten from
local big box stores (showing off :sick:)

if there was a moral in my post, it would be even a half brained, walking dead, old dog faced person can get results
from solar energy if we just try.

IMG_4572.JPGIMG_4677.JPG Capture698.PNG

forget youre a trump hating idiot?
Batvette, funny how some minds work, because I feel my TDS is earned, and it's getting worse the more I look :mad:
while I get that what's listed below fits into some of ours's plans or visions, but not mine.

cities burned
constitution at risk

this is not my slander/ libel as Bob would put it, but it did add to my TDS. :mad::sick:


PS: Batvette, would like the read you thoughts on intelligent design over in melting pot, you seem really sharp
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Now Trump knows where to send the transport.

Bob B remember I am not the squeamish type the thing that was and is the hardest thing for me to do is put down Dogs, or cats even if they are suffering. Humans I do not have this compunction as they often prove that they do not deserve my concern.

Actually after reading the story I would be more inclined to simply deliver about 60 or 70 sorties of Napalm... that or a couple of small tactical nukes. and yes I have the stones to push the button to deliver either.
Batvette, wakey, wakey!, take a glance at where you are

View attachment 227713

if this was a professional solar forum I may not feel right to post my half brained setup, here I feel welcomed :) (maybe not this topic)
I even feel invited here. :) (forum not topic)

Batvette, because even with my BS setup results can be seen, and only one tool needed and from parts gotten from
local big box stores (showing off :sick:)

if there was a moral in my post, it would be even a half brained, walking dead, old dog faced person can get results
from solar energy if we just try.

View attachment 227717View attachment 227763 View attachment 227768

Batvette, funny how some minds work, because I feel my TDS is earned, and it's getting worse the more I look :mad:
while I get that what's listed below fits into some of ours's plans or visions, but not mine.

cities burned
View attachment 227724
constitution at risk
View attachment 227725

this is not my slander/ libel as Bob would put it, but it did add to my TDS. :mad::sick:
View attachment 227802

View attachment 227797

PS: Batvette, would like the read you thoughts on intelligent design over in melting pot, you seem really sharp
Just wondering why youve repeatedly posted images of some really hapless and likely dangerous craftmanship. I get this is DIY solar but people only generally show off their projects to be admired or copied by others, thus I suspect youre only doing it to seem humble or befriend other users in the face of opinions youve expressed which are clearly dishonest or at least counterproductive to your claimed positions. Yeah yeah yeah lifelong republican but writing in the corporate whore swamp monster Nikki Haley that never had a chance against Biden and is virtually a vote for Joe Biden.
Anyone with political savvy in our two party system realizes you support the party nominee to forward the party platform forget about shit like his personal past or skeletons.
But here you are assaulting the character of the party nominee working overtime for Joe Bidens campaign.
You sure are dedicated to the cause (DNC troll) arent you well keep it up but youre not fooling anyone (DNC troll) nor changing any minds here. DJT is the only hope we have of righting this rudderless ship and its just preposterous that Nikki Haley could ever begin to do it or ever had a chance. But then a preposterous position is all a (DNC troll) could ever assume isnt it.
Just wondering why youve repeatedly posted images of some really hapless and likely dangerous craftmanship.
batvatte, how many tornados passed by your panels in the 2 months :unsure:
while my battle tested hapless setup has face off 4 so far.(only captured 3, slept through one )

but my panels are still facing the sky...battle tested 👍
the one in the center image touched down 7 miles from my panels.(that one destroyed a number of homes/buildings plus a church)

Capture540.PNG Capture569.PNG Capture668.PNG

I get BEAUTY IS IN THE EYE OF THE BEHOLDER but nothing looks sweeter then panels pointing at the sky IMO
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Batvette, wakey, wakey!, take a glance at where you are

View attachment 227713

if this was a professional solar forum I may not feel right to post my half brained setup, here I feel welcomed :) (maybe not this topic)
I even feel invited here. :) (forum not topic)

Batvette, because even with my BS setup results can be seen, and only one tool needed and from parts gotten from
local big box stores (showing off :sick:)

if there was a moral in my post, it would be even a half brained, walking dead, old dog faced person can get results
from solar energy if we just try.

View attachment 227717View attachment 227763 View attachment 227768

Batvette, funny how some minds work, because I feel my TDS is earned, and it's getting worse the more I look :mad:
while I get that what's listed below fits into some of ours's plans or visions, but not mine.

cities burned
View attachment 227724
constitution at risk
View attachment 227725

this is not my slander/ libel as Bob would put it, but it did add to my TDS. :mad::sick:
View attachment 227802

View attachment 227797

PS: Batvette, would like the read you thoughts on intelligent design over in melting pot, you seem really sharp
Im an agnostic anti theist. Raised in catholic home, endured all the sacraments. Walked away with all due prejudice when I was 17.
I have not any of the answers of how we got here, but recognize religion as both a positive tool for those needing guidance and endless corruption for charletans to exploit. I freely mock anyone who has the audacity to tell me what a god wants from me, but respect their faith if they respect mine.
Which can be summarized as "I am a man of science".
Yet I do realize as much as science can explain with validity in the theory of evolution, there are still gaping holes they can only fill with wild guesses.
I would ask intelligent design proponents why they feel a guiding hand was necessary all along... Or isnt whats really going on is a form of stubborn back pedalling, a concession to points youve lost previous debates over.
When the big bang theory became scientific concensus in the early 50s the pope at the time embraced it as an opportunity to meld with the bible and suggest God created the big bang. Why not. It sounded better than shit just happened.
But why couldnt shit just have happened? Why require god to be the chicken for your egg?
My overall feelings on the existence of god as described by traditional religion which holds that god controls things and has a purpose for us all can be simply reflected by the reality of one individual but shes one of many with a vast variety of cruel afflictions.
Julianna Wetmore. I dont need to link to her case, look it up if you dont know.
If theres a god and he brought her into this world to endure such pain, or any thousands of examples of horrible birth defects afflicting children in any era of humanity, I am proud to say I will stand before that maker on judgement day with all necessary contempt and defiance shout fuck you for what you do.
Since I do not believe a god would do any such thing for any reason, I hold her as evidence that god as religion describes surely does not exist, and is a fabrication of man who wants desperately to believe there is some form of life after death.

I do not share such disingenuous greed.
sweet write up, no ambiguity. :love: I'll most likely be standing beside you with similar rage .(I'll be the one with the duct tape on his glasses)
IMG_4590 (1).JPG

That looks like something constructed by a pink haired ambiguous pronoun feminazi supporting cuck that would ride something like


This could construct. No lifelong republican would get 10ft near getting on that little contraption.
yet here we are. gets even stranger, that kickstand is powered up and down( linear actuator)
and has a backup camera that's always on as a rear view mirror 🤪 (black thing on the handlebars)
people in town just shack their heads thinking, there goes that crazy old fucker again.

I made that frame with front forks, seat and even the handlebars, I love my bike :love:
hours of entertainment, both while making it and then riding it.

you have not even come close to seeing the craziness yet, pull up a chair.
and before you ask, no I have very little self-respect, and I never feel shame 🤪

there goes that crazy old fucker again.

thanks for the write up above, but I got to wonder if intelligent design could give some the answers to the
big question(how we got here) without the wants and greed(eternal life/7 virgins) found in some organized religions.
I'm heading back to melting pot, I enjoyed the chat.
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View attachment 227860

That looks like something constructed by a pink haired ambiguous pronoun feminazi supporting cuck that would ride something like

View attachment 227861

This could construct. No lifelong republican would get 10ft near getting on that little contraption.
what in the name of Sweet Baby Jesus is that shit? that looks like something my wife would build, and the bike like thing looks like something my 12 year old daughter would want..
Actually after reading the story I would be more inclined to simply deliver about 60 or 70 sorties of Napalm... that or a couple of small tactical nukes. and yes I have the stones to push the button to deliver either.
ken, only a fucking sick mind could post something like that. while it's true I may just be an extra in One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
you my man, are a sad example of the human race, and when I'm standing in front of my maker he's going to ask why I didn't use a
baseball bat on the back of your fucked up head when I seen the problem, I'm not going to have a good answer.


sick mind or foreign troll, baseball bat unscrambles both.
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42OhmsPA, this is not the first time ken has envisioned harm on women and kids, something
wrong is going on in his head. :mad: if we don't call it out, we are the problem, not his sick fucking mind.

IMO ken should do the right thing, edit out the sick shit in his post above. then I can remove my crap.
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diy solar

diy solar