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diy solar

diy solar



Tommy Sr. DPC, and Bong Bong are all in trouble now!
I definitely don't need to add anything to this comment.
I think anyone reading it can clearly see that you are a military genius.

As expected a total cop out answer and running away with your tail between your legs. You didn't convince anyone of anything except that you are out of your depth and made a stupid statement. Perhaps your fellow The View fans. we're impresses but that's it.

Think of me like then Sham wow guy, but wait there's more!

I see the female vs weapon comparison didn't get through to you. Interesting since the military has long relied on sexual references to describe things (no one gets out of boot camp without learning about Cunt Caps amd Donkey Dicks).

Sexual references are used so even the knuckledraggers and crayon eaters can keep up, as I noted in the beginning we don't get many incels so it might not make sense to them.

That's ok though, war is heavily based upon some simple truths, you have to be able to replace those weapons systems and bodies, past a certain point nations find it unsustainable and call for peace talks.

A quick look at where we started as a baseline.

As you can see due to the much cheaper cost of those weapons systems you derided they have at least double the equipment we do.

So let's start with your Javelins and such bucko. We and our allies have already announced we have reached the limits of our stockpiles and replishment can't keep up with consumption.

"The United States and its allies have sent up to 17,000 anti-tank weapons to Ukraine over the past month-and-a-half, ranging from old Soviet-era inventory cluttering up NATO stockpiles, to FGM-148 Javelins, the advanced US portable anti-tank missile system which made its combat debut after the US invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq.

Having transferred about a third of its inventory of Javelin missile systems to Ukraine, the Pentagon may be running out of stocks critical for the security of the homeland and possible US wars abroad, Center for Strategic and International Studies researcher Mark Cancian has calculated.

In a press release put out earlier this month, the Pentagon announced that it had committed over 5,000 Javelins to Ukraine.

The US military does not publicise its inventory of the anti-armour missile system at any given time. However, according to an unclassified DoD summary of the missile systems' production, some 37,739 Javelins were produced over the past quarter century since Raytheon and Lockheed Martin began churning them out in 1996.

2,717 Javelins were delivered to the US military between 2019 and 2021. The Pentagon has projected the production of 3,622 more between 2022 and 2025. The missiles have a per-unit price tag of between $216,700 and $249,700, depending on modification.

Cancian estimates that when accounting for missiles expended in US forces' training and testing, the US military probably had about 20,000-25,000 Javelins in its inventory before the Ukraine deliveries, which cut that number by at least one third.

"That fraction doesn't sound like much; after all, two-thirds of the inventory remains. However military planners are likely getting nervous. The United States maintains stocks for a variety of possible global conflicts that may occur against North Korea, Iran or Russia itself. At some point, these stocks will get low enough that military planners will question whether the war plans can be executed. The United States is likely approaching that point," the analyst believes."

With current production averaging about 1,000 Javelins a year, the Pentagon assures that up to 6,480 can be made per year in an emergency. However, Cancian says this production rate would take years to reach, given the 32 month delivery time from when a missile is ordered and the time that it's delivered. "This means that it will take about three or four years to replace the missiles that have been delivered so far."

"The Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) has released estimates of how long it will take the United States to rebuild stockpiles of core munitions that have been sent to Ukraine. Even at surge rates, CSIS estimates that it will take the United States five years to replenish 155 millimeter ammunition stocks; 155 millimeter precision ammunition, 4 years; Javelin, 5.5 years; himars, 2.5 years; and stinger, 6.5 years."

In general, U.S. defense manufacturing requires anywhere from two to six years to replace core munitions after less than a year of sustained conflict—and with allies picking up some of the slack in terms of the required materiel. Macro metrics of military spending appear completely meaningless if the manufacturing capacity is not there to sustain a proxy war with a peer for even a year."

Those links cover all your fancy shit that are pretty much depleted now. I'm not wasting my time on each weapon you listed, the links cover them and they're all depleted.

The Russians are still pummeling the Ukraine with their weapons you think don't work. Let's see, what do weapons do? They kill soldiers so let's see how many soldiers those Russia weapons you derided killed last year.

The media doesn't want to talk about it so finding figures for Ukraines losses vary from100, 000 to 400,000.

On 8 December 2024, US president-elect Donald Trump claimed 400,000 Ukrainian soldiers had been killed and seriously wounded so far during the war.

Now real quick note America does not respond well to losses and we cut and run pretty quick when the start to pile up. We quit Vietnam a nearly two decade war over public outcry of 38'000 KIA. (Totals for all deaths including non combat are 58,000) You can add every war back to WWll and it's still less loses than the Ukraine has suffered already in 1000 days of war.

In fact in approximately 1 month those Russian weapons you mocked killed as many troops as we quit the VIietnam war over after nearly 20 years.

And in less than 3 years killed more people than our totals back through WWIl. Yeah those Russian weapons are a joke and the Chinese are stupid to copy them. Feeling stupid yet?

Our causalities
1 World War II 1941–1945 291,557
2 American Civil War 1861–1865 204,100
3 World War I 1917–1918 53,402
4 Vietnam War 1955–1975 47,434
5 Korean War 1950–1953 33,686
6 American Revolutionary War 1775–1783 6,800
7 Iraq War 2003–2011 4,424
8 War of 1812 1812–1815 2,260
9 War in Afghanistan 2001–2021 1,833
10 Mexican–American War 1846–184 8 1,733
11 Gulf War 1990–1991 288

Not to waste anymore time on that moronic statement you made let's look at the demoralized claim.

Why exactly would the Russians be demoralized? Their doctrine worked. We're running out of expensive weapons they still have plenty, they know we won't stand for the losses their doctrine is all about. Their meat grinder would have sent us packing in the first month or two.

And your assisinine comment about us having to fight them? LOL we are . Let's take a little history side tour.

Prior to our entry into WWll we were sending American fighter pilots flying British fighters to kill the Japanese in the air and on the ground.

During the Korean war Chinese pilots and Russian pilots flying Vietnam flagged Migs killed our troops on the ground and our boys in the air.

Russian and Chinese advisors on the ground ran SAM batteries and artillery killing us in the air and on the ground as well

Ditto for the Vietnam war.

It's common practice that "advisors" from America, Russia and China are involved anywhere our weapons are involved. The numbers are small but again veterans know what's up. It's called tooth to tail ratio, teeth (killers) vs the tail (logistics) is 11 percent in the regular army but closer to 5 percent in the SF world. Meaning when we say we only have a few thousand troops in the Ukraine that's more SEALs than we even have.

We ain't sending this guy.

We're sending the teeth, guys that look like this.

And so are our allies, so Russia is actually doing a damn fine job of showing their doctrine is fine and ours is fucked, no reason to be demoralized for the Russians.

As for Ukraines morale? Check this video of the forced conscription "recruiters" spraying flammable gas into a car to force the men inside out so they can kidnap them and send them to fight.

Some links to back up my statements.

I'll save this in a file for the next The View military expert so it's not a total waste, I knew you'd mouth of and run it's what liberals always do, the only other tactic is having all your comrades try to defend you by attacking in a pack to keep us busy. Facts, reality and the truth are your enemies.
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Tommy Sr. DPC, and Bong Bong are all in trouble now!
He's flipped all kinds of promises about things he was going to do.
What's he going to say next?
Tariffs on us unless we pay for a wall ?

He flips faster than I can keep track
This is a pretty interesting video from a guy I don't know but he speaks well.
His history Lesson about the Nero and Rome is kind of long winded until he begins to compare Trump

Jean has come out from the Shadows for the first time in a long time.
This is the third recent interview but this one is not political,

Another day another LBTQ Democrat politician arrested for attempting to rape a 9 year old boy.
Nice to see the FBi chasing actual criminals again.

I want the angry emoji back.

How did these disordered pervs ever become "oppressed" heros worthy of preferential treatment for jobs, benefits etc?

How did we let that happen? I'm so ashamed of not being even louder than I was against this shit.
I want the angry emoji back.

How did these disordered pervs ever become "oppressed" heros worthy of preferential treatment for jobs, benefits etc?

How did we let that happen? I'm so ashamed of not being even louder than I was against this shit.

How did it happen? With the support of several of our posters here in chit chat along with a bunch of their sick friends who also support this shit.
say something enough times....just maybe four fingers become five 😬

just who are we at war with, let me guess....

but, but tommy how is is relevant :unsure:
a large number of republican's and an even larger number of democrat's voted
to keep them that prey on kids out of our capital building, without success :mad:


but, but them are not our kids.... pointing five fingers with only four

it's now ok to through bad tomatoes, laugh, point fingers and call our handicapped kids bad names,
while some here are still pointing five fingers with only four. 😬
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For Tommy

Story of a secrete agent investigating something so secret even his handlers cant tell him what he is doing set in a world where no one knows the truth or the past and are suspicious of each other

Its a funny book.
Praise the Almighty Do-lar in the republic of Amer-ka...
Cant even spell lol...
Before Fentanyl and what ever the hell else people started to take to escape reality was a scanner darkly.
Familiar with it?

I wish I could get a scramble suit for AENYC and others around here.
Hell I would like one myslef...
while I missed scanner darkly, I have stayed in an holiday inn express
and seen fritz the cat at a Drive-In movie theater :ROFLMAO:

that may be the reason some here take themselves too seriously, they missed the 60's/70's
or was that the reason you do :unsure:

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Alexi Sayle used to make jokes about award winning animation from Poland...
But almost without exception anyone who was any good at animation in the east block made all these kinds of clever subversive cartoons.
Very amusing some even make you wonder how they got past the censors.

We don't do clever very well anymore...
Crumb was one of the last ones on this side of the pond.
if you can't laugh at yourself, there are them that will do it for you :ROFLMAO:
Ah the man who laughs
Not what meant at all but it’s a great excuse to get me off on another film tangent

( and now you know where the jokers sinister look came from too )
I do admit to feeling some what bad about shitting on this topic now, I was thinking they
deserved a chance to celebrate and enjoy their pulling wings from flies(their win), until
someone felt the need to blow smoke up our asses.

for me the messenger is off target, but the message is fair game

DPC, we may be twins.... or at least have something in common, they are swinging sticks
at both of us, well at me at least, they are swinging at your country, me being a retard they
are kicking me in the nuts. :ROFLMAO:
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diy solar

diy solar