diy solar

diy solar

Upgrade LiFePO4 BMS to "Manageable"


Solar Enthusiast
Jan 8, 2021
Having purchased two (SOK) 12v100Ah for various testing projects, I can report that these batteries are working well, as an LFP. Now to manage them ... bummer ... no matter how close I hold my smartphone to them, I can't get any details.

Apparently, commerical vendors are utilizing non-manageable BMSs (inexpensive?) inside each, meaning, I'll never be able to monitor them with any software tools; BattleBorn could be the exception? I've suggested to SOK that the BMS be "upgraded" to manageable, and I'd happily pay the premium for it ... got back a "no"; asking for an "upgrade kit" (what they would want me to use in their product), brought no joy either. I'm on my own ...

The project, then, is to open up the SOK 12v100Ah model, and see if I can get an OverKill in it myself ...

- the battery will be easy to open up (won't be an entirely sealed ABS plastic case)
- the BMS form will be easy to replace
- OverKill 4S BMS will work in this thing

1. successfully voided the warranty on the SOK ... it opened right up (cudos to SOK)
- can't yet identify the BMS, so need more disassembly; it looks like an OverKill will fit right into the same spot as the vendor's bms
- researching the order of cable disconnect sequence, so nobody dies.

00 - sok 12v100Ah - disassembly - 01.png00 - sok 12v100Ah - disassembly - 02.png

2. by the pics, it looks like an OverKill will fit right into the same spot as the vendor's bms
- at this point, I think it's worthwhile to commit an OverKill 4S bms order

Questions ... Questions needing answers ...

  • will the SOK's metal case block OverKill comms in any way ...
  • is there currently a better BMS (for management information) than OverKill (which I think is a JBD variant?)

The project looks reasonable so far ... no showstoppers making an appearance yet. Anyone see an obvious reason why this wouldn't work?
Overkill is using the JBD BMS'. Should work fine but the JBD may be a tad larger.
The Bluetooth option won't be affected by the plastic (ABS) casing.
You will more than likely be able to use the existing BMS harness in place, the plugs & wiring tend to be universal, BUT Verify it 1st!

There are better BMS of course for more money but will you gain anything ? Well only if it has more advanced features or Active Balancing or something like that. But you'd be ahead already with a Smart BMS that has Passive Balancing in it.

JBD has BMS' with BlueTooth, or a Wifi Moduleor UART.

The JBD-SP04S020 4S-100A is 112mm wide X 137mm Long X 16mm thick. I just measured one of mine. You should be able to compare that with what you have now. Coom Module is an extra (not big).

Good Luck, Have Fun.
Any update to this project? I’d love to be able to view each cell individually as well on my SK12V206. Have you been able to identify who makes that BMS and if there is any kind of interface to it?
Any update to this project? I’d love to be able to view each cell individually as well on my SK12V206. Have you been able to identify who makes that BMS and if there is any kind of interface to it?
we make the BMS SOK own factory....
be honest , i don't understand why you want to update the BMS, the SOK BMS with a hugh big heat sink, it could make sure provide the very safe protection .
I did order the Overkill BMS, and have received it in; but I had thrown these two batteries into another project while awaiting ordering/shipping of the new BMS. When that project concludes, I'll go for swapping in the BMS w/ management capabilities, and update this thread.

SOK-MIN, note that while your battery is great (has worked well in the months that I've had it now), and that I appreciate that you manufacture your own BMS (w/ the large heat sink), the one feature it is lacking is manageability, or our ability to get the usual management data from it by bluetooth or connected PC. The best I can currently do is take an external voltage reading, and apply a generic chart to it to estimate SOC.

Who doesn't want to have the battery report much more management data to the phone via bluetooth (wireless connectivity), or by USB or other method of getting the data to our PC (wired connectivity) to manage further? Being greedy, I'd want both! I'd be willing to pay more for such a battery, or extra as an option to get an upgraded BMS w/ management, straight from manufacturing or sales.

Do you need more details of what management data we would want? Overkill's own pdf's would give that, or TaoPerformance's, JBD's, or anyone else with a BMS that supports management data access. Then I wouldn't have to swap in an Overkill BMS.

I don't know anything about manufacturing, but I do know how to put in a feature request. If enough others do it, maybe SOK can get this feature into a development/manufacturing cycle. The SOK battery is indeed a great battery ... it could be even better if the BMS had management capabilities.

You couldn’t have said it any better. It’s definitely a feature that I would want and would pay extra for. Love the battery as is but that doesn’t mean it couldn’t be better. @SOK-MIN Its not an insult to you or your company. Simply a request for a future upgrade.

You couldn’t have said it any better. It’s definitely a feature that I would want and would pay extra for. Love the battery as is but that doesn’t mean it couldn’t be better. @SOK-MIN Its not an insult to you or your company. Simply a request for a future upgrade.
i heard you .
I would buy an SOK if it had a way to connect to the BMS. I can understand that SOK do not want consumers to change settings. But see what is going on is another thing.
It would be a nice feature but honestly, the SOK battery is totally worth its price the way that it is. I just spent the last 42 days living off grid using one 206Ah battery. Couldn’t be happier. No need for TV and the fake news. My entertainment consists of fishing and the wife (not necessarily in that order either) ;-)
Instead of changing the BMS it would be easier and cheaper to install a RC Cellmeter 7? Just drill a small hole for the sensor cables.
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be honest , i don't understand why you want to update the BMS, the SOK BMS with a hugh big heat sink, it could make sure provide the very safe protection .
Because we want to see what is happening with the cells.
You should consider this, it would be a big selling point.
To the guys who want every feature and data point available... Keep in mind who's buying these. People don't buy retail batteries to use them as experiments. They're bought by a lot of people with campers, who barely know how to connect two batteries in parallel. You give these people as many settings and options as the JBD BMS does, and you're going to have customer sat issues, because people will break things, and call to support.

Don't flame me, I understand the desire to have the data, or a way to unlock it, just don't expect it from a drop in type battery.
To the guys who want every feature and data point available... Keep in mind who's buying these. People don't buy retail batteries to use them as experiments. They're bought by a lot of people with campers, who barely know how to connect two batteries in parallel. You give these people as many settings and options as the JBD BMS does, and you're going to have customer sat issues, because people will break things, and call to support.

Don't flame me, I understand the desire to have the data, or a way to unlock it, just don't expect it from a drop in type battery.
Or do like I did. Get that new SFK battery kit and build your own with a JBD 150 amp BMS and 280AH cells.
SFK battery kit?
Yes, I put one together last week and I'm happy with it.
I ordered 3 more.

I already had the cells and BMS, add a MPP PIP 1012lv and you have a system that can keep your fridge and television going. I'm going to give them to my sister and grandson. Just add solar panels.
Yes, I put one together last week and I'm happy with it.
I ordered 3 more.

I already had the cells and BMS, add a MPP PIP 1012lv and you have a system that can keep your fridge and television going. I'm going to give them to my sister and grandson. Just add solar panels.

Nice. I have a spare BMS sitting around... 990 for a 280ah kit minus the BMS. Might have to get this.
Yes, to me it is worth it, to others maybe not. Not happy with an SOK? Do something about it. :)

Do you think I'd have a problem fitting my own BMS in there? It's a JBD, but i'm not sure if the dimensions are the same. Close for sure.
Instead of changing the BMS it would be easier and cheaper to install a RC Cellmeter 7? Just drill a small hole for the sensor cables.
This sounds like the best (and less expensive solution) to me... It's not like the case is water tight anyway.

Yeah, you have to be close enough to see (and cycle through) the information.