New Member
I'm building my first solar setup which is going to be 24v. I'm wanting to run a Victron 150/100 Ve.Can on 6 panels and then a 100/50 Mppt for another 3 panels. Is it possible to connect both of these charge controllers to a Cerbo GX via VE.Direct and them be able to communicate to one another to charge my 24 volt batteries? The 100/50 MPPT does not use Ve.Can so I wasn't sure if it was capable of communicating with the new model charge controller? Thanks!
I'm building my first solar setup which is going to be 24v. I'm wanting to run a Victron 150/100 Ve.Can on 6 panels and then a 100/50 Mppt for another 3 panels. Is it possible to connect both of these charge controllers to a Cerbo GX via VE.Direct and them be able to communicate to one another to charge my 24 volt batteries? The 100/50 MPPT does not use Ve.Can so I wasn't sure if it was capable of communicating with the new model charge controller? Thanks!