For me, these episodes will add another entry to my research list (before buying an inverter):
- visible support website (not just an email address)
- all docs (user guide, datasheets, warranty, return policies) available online and downloadable
- warranty period longer than 1-year (needs to be 3-, 5-, or even longer, for quality components)
- no "dealer-only" access methods/requirements (dealer-only code, dealer/manufacturer "setup", etc)
and now, I'm adding:
- no *required* dongle (wifi), bluetooth (phone app), cloud acct/login, etc.
That last one, once we figure out that an inverter requires OTA updates, and given that firmware is really just software, the door is now opened for things to go both ways (your data to them, their "f'ing with you" controls & potential bricks to your inverter).
As other threads have covered, if I can't isolate inverter (router, dns, etc.) from all these shenanigans, I can't buy it ...
Will have to stick with the component approach, and old-school LF inverters ... when my Magnum finally dies, years past its warranty, with no hint of "solar-gate" activity.
AIO's in general (all electronics approach) and their firmware (all software approach) and their policies (sales, controls, procedures) ... put too much control in their hands, and not in mine where it belongs.
I had to shut microsoft control efforts down, to regain control over my desktop/laptop, and I'll have to do something similar now with inverters ...