The Earth's atmosphere is about 78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen and 1% other gases, including argon, carbon dioxide, neon and others. CO2 makes up roughly 0.0427% of the Earth's atmosphere. Venus's atmosphere is 96% CO2. That means the CO2 concentration in the Venusian atmosphere is 2,248
times that of Earth, yet it's average surface temperature is only 15 times that of Earth's. Venus is also roughly 1/3 closer to the Sun than the Earth, resulting in much more solar energy being imparted on the atmosphere. Surely that has a very large effect on the planet's temperature, no?
Here's the rub - water vapor is by far the greatest "greenhouse gas" on the Earth. Where does it come from? 90% is from evaporation of bodies of water across the planet, 10% is from plants. Why isn't water vapor a focal point of climate savers? Because there is nothing that can be done by humans to reduce it and, most importantly, the powers that be cannot create some elaborate "carbon credit" scheme to steal untold billions of dollars from the population. CO2 is being used as a measuring stick, simply because it is something they can point at as being "man-made". Follow the $$$....
The Earth has always been in a constant state of change. CO2 levels have been much higher and lower in the past than they are today. There is NOTHING that can be done by humans to stop the natural cycles that occur on this planet.
- Every year the Sun is a little bit brighter than the year before.
- Every year a little more of the planet is razed by humans, reducing O2 production, reducing CO2 absorption.
- Every year the oceans are damaged by humans, reducing O2 production, reducing CO2 absorption.
If and when it hits the tipping point, there will be a collapse and the majority of land-based O2 breathing organisms will pay the price. Once the majority of humans are gone, plants will thrive, O2 levels will increase, the temps will slowly drop and the cycle will begin again.
I remember as a child - many "experts" and "scientists" said, with great certainty, that there was an ice age coming. They had lots of graphs, charts and scientific papers explaining the how's and why's.
Very recently, "scientists" developed a "vaccine" that does not prevent the disease it is supposed to protect us from. Instead of being dismissed as the outright bullshit that it is, they literally altered the definition of the word vaccine to fit their new narrative - and the majority of the general public bought it all - hook, line and sinker. "Experts" told us that we needed to wear face coverings to stop the spread. Legislation was passed to protect big pharma from lawsuits created on behalf of people maimed or killed by these so-called "vaccines". Follow the $$$...
People who actually analyzed the data and used their brains to determine the truth are ridiculed to this day. People participating in this very thread are guilty of ignoring that readily available data, yet they want others to believe a "theory" or "hypothesis" on something incredibly more complex (the climate).
This meme sums up the utter ridiculousness of what passes for "science" in the world today:
We need more real science. We need more common sense. Neither are likely to happen with an ignorant populace that has been taught to believe that a government knows what's best for them.