Cool now do the ppl in WEF that fly on private jets transport their limo and all.
They could zoom but nope. Most ppl that have checked foot print say they can only worry with themselves.
Now do these women and realize all these ppl have bank. Again only worried with yourself.?
They could do performances from a home studio… vs live. Would they?
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Entertain me. 15 years ago the earth’s population was much smaller. How much longer do we have with current bigger population? If you did nothing but lay in bed - used shower curtains for sheets and eat Oreo how much could you improve things.? Drinking - fresh water worries me more.
Ppl in Africa, India, and China are literally fucking and reproducing like crazy. 40 years after “we are the world food drive for starving Africans” they did the right thing and have about tripled population. So….. while you are aware ….. they are not …… without a care in the world they are producing more then ever. They were are use to over breeding to make up for all the ones that should have died off.
We fed them. Probably after Midnite gizmo. Upset the natural order. Imagine had we not fed them and allowed nature to take course.
Carl Sagan, Stephen Hawking, and bunch more supposed smarter ppl than the rest of us recommended population reduction with a nuke winter on top. Agenda 21. They are mostly gone…for their group. They did population reduction without us. Gates is still here.
The good news betting I will be gone before 2050….. how about you? At rate we are going probably Soylent green here…. Cannibalism is a real thing in Africa…. I’ve Seen some of the bodies they carved on …. If they hit ~2.5 billion ppl how many will invade other countries that maintained or lowered population per a worried foot print?
Are you planning to end up in a retirement home in the future?
Who will be tending you in your stay at that home?
Can you imagine sex at that age?
Maybe we should not have fed Africa shsss we fed India too. So…. are you looking forward to future sex life in retirement?
We have stopped natural selection and want to insure everyone survives but ourselves. The thought of self preservation for us is gone. Otherwise we would nuke the shit out of them. As minimum we will not stop sending food nor importing the irresponsible fuckers so they will take over. Change you can believe in.