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diy solar

diy solar

We will be tested very soon..!!!

Seems the layer is now heavier than it was before we drilled the hole that was destroying the planet.
They never said it was in non recoverable
The whole point of the Montreal protocol was to ban cfcs and let the atmosphere heal

CFC production began in the 1930s
So when where and how did they measure the ozone as a baseline for your assumptions of how thick it was 100 years ago or today

Or you know we can just wreck the planet arguing about stuff
Or we can use the best advice to avert disaster

One is a whole lot less painful and expensive than the other
like you just did.
Bottom line is, upsetting a balanced system with abrupt changes to atmopheric chemistry in an uncontrolled manour will result in a new equilibrium we have no way to predict. Rapid changes to ecosystems will have dramatic unpredictable impacts on all species, not just the plants, but pests, animal behaviour, migrations, etc etc etc.
The arragance is to take the position that the abrupt changes will magically have postitive outcomes.
No I did not statically model anything. I said CO2 grows plants, which it does. The arrogance is assuming that anything we are doing is going to have a long term deleterious effect. I'd strongly suggest we not meddle so much with the economy.
About 15 years ago, I ran my carbon footprint based on:

Home kWh used annually
The % of carbon producing power generation of my utility, SRP
The # of miles driven to work (all other driving disregarded) between my wife and I and our respective vehicle combined mpg.

A 100,000 ppm (10%) CO2 concentration is fatal or at least causes permanent unconsciousness.

Every year I produce enough CO2 to kill all people in a 10 acre, 20' high box.

My neighborhood is 80 acres. I produce enough to kill the residents of approximately 1 out of 8 households in my neighborhood.

There are approximately 250 homes in my neighborhood (rough L x W count).

If I'm average, another 7 households in my neighborhood can kill all 250 households and the vast majority of them are single story, so only the two-story dwellers standing on their roof would survive. There's another 242 contributing households beyond those 8.

I can say without question that the carbon dioxide I produce would not be produced if I didn't produce it, and it would not magically come from another source if I chose not to produce it.

This exercise convinced me that humans have a notable and measurable impact on the environment.
About 15 years ago, I ran my carbon footprint based on:

Home kWh used annually
The % of carbon producing power generation of my utility, SRP
The # of miles driven to work (all other driving disregarded) between my wife and I and our respective vehicle combined mpg.

A 100,000 ppm (10%) CO2 concentration is fatal or at least causes permanent unconsciousness.

Every year I produce enough CO2 to kill all people in a 10 acre, 20' high box.

My neighborhood is 80 acres. I produce enough to kill the residents of approximately 1 out of 8 households in my neighborhood.

There are approximately 250 homes in my neighborhood (rough L x W count).

If I'm average, another 7 households in my neighborhood can kill all 250 households and the vast majority of them are single story, so only the two-story dwellers standing on their roof would survive. There's another 242 contributing households beyond those 8.

I can say without question that the carbon dioxide I produce would not be produced if I didn't produce it, and it would not magically come from another source if I chose not to produce it.

This exercise convinced me that humans have a notable and measurable impact on the environment.
But your math fails to account for things that one must take into consideration.

1) You are attempting to apply a full year's worth of carbon emissions to a single moment in time for mortality results.
2) You are not accounting for winds and/or distribution.
3) You are not accounting for plants, nor photosynthesis, which use CO2 and convert it to sugars and starches that can later be eaten.

Carbon is a cycle. Carbon dioxide may kill if in high concentrations. But so does water. Because a couple tablespoons of water, properly placed in the air tract and cutting off one's oxygen, can kill (by asphyxiation), it does not follow that a given amount of water could properly be calculated as lethal for a given local population. Water is a cycle. CO2 is a cycle. And neither one gets nearly so close to lethal dosages as your math might make it appear...it just doesn't work that way.

Did you calculate how much faster the plants, having such nice access to CO2 which they require for growth, would grow, and how much of your CO2 they would absorb in one year per acre?

Leaving plants out of the equation can definitely get the mathematical results you were looking for, but they do not correctly represent anything that would be true in the real world.
About 15 years ago, I ran my carbon footprint based on:

Home kWh used annually
The % of carbon producing power generation of my utility, SRP
The # of miles driven to work (all other driving disregarded) between my wife and I and our respective vehicle combined mpg.

A 100,000 ppm (10%) CO2 concentration is fatal or at least causes permanent unconsciousness.

Every year I produce enough CO2 to kill all people in a 10 acre, 20' high box.

My neighborhood is 80 acres. I produce enough to kill the residents of approximately 1 out of 8 households in my neighborhood.

There are approximately 250 homes in my neighborhood (rough L x W count).

If I'm average, another 7 households in my neighborhood can kill all 250 households and the vast majority of them are single story, so only the two-story dwellers standing on their roof would survive. There's another 242 contributing households beyond those 8.

I can say without question that the carbon dioxide I produce would not be produced if I didn't produce it, and it would not magically come from another source if I chose not to produce it.

This exercise convinced me that humans have a notable and measurable impact on the environment.
Cool now do the ppl in WEF that fly on private jets transport their limo and all.
They could zoom but nope. Most ppl that have checked foot print say they can only worry with themselves.

Now do these women and realize all these ppl have bank. Again only worried with yourself.?
They could do performances from a home studio… vs live. Would they?

Entertain me. 15 years ago the earth’s population was much smaller. How much longer do we have with current bigger population? If you did nothing but lay in bed - used shower curtains for sheets and eat Oreo how much could you improve things.? Drinking - fresh water worries me more.

Ppl in Africa, India, and China are literally fucking and reproducing like crazy. 40 years after “we are the world food drive for starving Africans” they did the right thing and have about tripled population. So….. while you are aware ….. they are not …… without a care in the world they are producing more then ever. They were are use to over breeding to make up for all the ones that should have died off.
We fed them. Probably after Midnite gizmo. Upset the natural order. Imagine had we not fed them and allowed nature to take course.

Carl Sagan, Stephen Hawking, and bunch more supposed smarter ppl than the rest of us recommended population reduction with a nuke winter on top. Agenda 21. They are mostly gone…for their group. They did population reduction without us. Gates is still here.

The good news betting I will be gone before 2050….. how about you? At rate we are going probably Soylent green here…. Cannibalism is a real thing in Africa…. I’ve Seen some of the bodies they carved on …. If they hit ~2.5 billion ppl how many will invade other countries that maintained or lowered population per a worried foot print?

Are you planning to end up in a retirement home in the future?
Who will be tending you in your stay at that home?
Can you imagine sex at that age?

Maybe we should not have fed Africa shsss we fed India too. So…. are you looking forward to future sex life in retirement?

We have stopped natural selection and want to insure everyone survives but ourselves. The thought of self preservation for us is gone. Otherwise we would nuke the shit out of them. As minimum we will not stop sending food nor importing the irresponsible fuckers so they will take over. Change you can believe in.
About 15 years ago, I ran my carbon footprint based on:

Home kWh used annually
The % of carbon producing power generation of my utility, SRP
The # of miles driven to work (all other driving disregarded) between my wife and I and our respective vehicle combined mpg.

A 100,000 ppm (10%) CO2 concentration is fatal or at least causes permanent unconsciousness.

Every year I produce enough CO2 to kill all people in a 10 acre, 20' high box.

My neighborhood is 80 acres. I produce enough to kill the residents of approximately 1 out of 8 households in my neighborhood.

There are approximately 250 homes in my neighborhood (rough L x W count).

If I'm average, another 7 households in my neighborhood can kill all 250 households and the vast majority of them are single story, so only the two-story dwellers standing on their roof would survive. There's another 242 contributing households beyond those 8.

I can say without question that the carbon dioxide I produce would not be produced if I didn't produce it, and it would not magically come from another source if I chose not to produce it.

This exercise convinced me that humans have a notable and measurable impact on the environment.
I used to think about what I do for a living in a similar context.
How much harm do I do...
Prioritizing my response:

Yes. It ain't pretty, but it's better than nothing.
Better than dying as a virgin. Lot of women say no sex until they can do abortion in this country.
Those other places have no such worry. Rape is high profile.
When all those imports take over the women here and most men won’t have a choice to have sex or not. They will be getting it anyway.
If they complain will be called racist.
They will comply afterwords.
Words like that have special powers and make ppl strong that use them.

By interfering in natural selection and process Africa and India …. We have no doubt done great harm. The kind that leads to total destruction …everywhere.
Sometimes simple observation means we are not as smart as we think either.
Climate change…. Hmmmm population change.
The USA will be yellow before long. Foot prints…

By interfering in natural selection and process Africa and India …. We have no doubt done great harm. The kind that leads to total destruction …everywhere.
By using technology to prevent hunger and disease?
There is no such thing as natural selection in the human race anywhere on this planet.

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Cool now do the ppl in WEF that fly on private jets transport their limo and all.
They could zoom but nope. Most ppl that have checked foot print say they can only worry with themselves.

Now do these women and realize all these ppl have bank. Again only worried with yourself.?
They could do performances from a home studio… vs live. Would they?

Entertain me. 15 years ago the earth’s population was much smaller. How much longer do we have with current bigger population? If you did nothing but lay in bed - used shower curtains for sheets and eat Oreo how much could you improve things.? Drinking - fresh water worries me more.

Ppl in Africa, India, and China are literally fucking and reproducing like crazy. 40 years after “we are the world food drive for starving Africans” they did the right thing and have about tripled population. So….. while you are aware ….. they are not …… without a care in the world they are producing more then ever. They were are use to over breeding to make up for all the ones that should have died off.
We fed them. Probably after Midnite gizmo. Upset the natural order. Imagine had we not fed them and allowed nature to take course.

Carl Sagan, Stephen Hawking, and bunch more supposed smarter ppl than the rest of us recommended population reduction with a nuke winter on top. Agenda 21. They are mostly gone…for their group. They did population reduction without us. Gates is still here.

The good news betting I will be gone before 2050….. how about you? At rate we are going probably Soylent green here…. Cannibalism is a real thing in Africa…. I’ve Seen some of the bodies they carved on …. If they hit ~2.5 billion ppl how many will invade other countries that maintained or lowered population per a worried foot print?

Are you planning to end up in a retirement home in the future?
Who will be tending you in your stay at that home?
Can you imagine sex at that age?

Maybe we should not have fed Africa shsss we fed India too. So…. are you looking forward to future sex life in retirement?

We have stopped natural selection and want to insure everyone survives but ourselves. The thought of self preservation for us is gone. Otherwise we would nuke the shit out of them. As minimum we will not stop sending food nor importing the irresponsible fuckers so they will take over. Change you can believe in.

I think the earth's population has peaked. China is definitely below the line, and India is stable. Consequences of education and widely available birth control.

We can have short-term impact on the environment (See Also: The Dust Bowl), but frankly 50 years is "short term" when it comes to the planet.

Based on educated guesses the earth has had CO2 levels dramatically higher than what we have now in the past. "Carbon Footprint" is just silly, humans have adapted to their environment for thousands and thousands of years. We've done some really obviously bad things to our environment, and the earth has recovered as we stopped. There is no indication that higher concentrations CO2 in the atmosphere is causing any catastrophic issues at this time. I would suggest living our lives as we see fit, and adapting to our environment as it changes.
I think the earth's population has peaked.

I think you really mean something different here. There has been consistent year over year population growth, and the trend is still upwards with 8.2 billion bodies on the earth now.

The birth rate per woman has peaked and declined, but it's still above parity compared to the death rate. Factoring in a declining birth rate, most projections put the peak at 9.5-10.5 billion around 2075 followed by a decline.

China is definitely below the line, and India is stable. Consequences of education and widely available birth control.

We can have short-term impact on the environment (See Also: The Dust Bowl), but frankly 50 years is "short term" when it comes to the planet.

Based on educated guesses the earth has had CO2 levels dramatically higher than what we have now in the past. "Carbon Footprint" is just silly, humans have adapted to their environment for thousands and thousands of years. We've done some really obviously bad things to our environment, and the earth has recovered as we stopped.

What do you mean? Didn't you say we can't affect the environment?

CO2 is an extremely long lived molecule. We could stop producing it today, and the recovery would take generations.

There is no indication that higher concentrations CO2 in the atmosphere is causing any catastrophic issues at this time.

Why is your decision point defined by "catastrophe"? You live in Phoenix. Is it not a crap ton hotter in just the last 30 years? I moved here in 1996, and the past decade in particular has been getting hotter and more consistently hotter, i.e., almost every year is hotter than the last.

I would suggest living our lives as we see fit, and adapting to our environment as it changes.

Now you're back to humans not affecting the environment, but only responding as "it changes."
I think you really mean something different here. There has been consistent year over year population growth, and the trend is still upwards with 8.2 billion bodies on the earth now.

The birth rate per woman has peaked and declined, but it's still above parity compared to the death rate. Factoring in a declining birth rate, most projections put the peak at 9.5-10.5 billion around 2075 followed by a decline.
I think it will occur well before 2075. Actually, the alarmists are freaking out about it a bit. This has some interesting tax implications as well as the population ages. Birth rates have plummeted in many places. I don't really see this as a huge problem either.

What do you mean? Didn't you say we can't affect the environment?

CO2 is an extremely long lived molecule. We could stop producing it today, and the recovery would take generations.

Are we discussing chemistry or our biosphere? I did not say we cannot affect the environment. Anything that lives in the biome affects the environment in some way. The arrogance is the assumption that we are somehow going to destroy the biome with CO2. Follow the money on this craziness. People have been getting rich off this panic.

Why is your decision point defined by "catastrophe"? You live in Phoenix. Is it not a crap ton hotter in just the last 30 years? I moved here in 1996, and the past decade in particular has been getting hotter and more consistently hotter, i.e., almost every year is hotter than the last.

Your trying to extrapolate 10 years of data from a single data point, into some sort of conclusion about the biome of a planet that has been around for billions of years, and for which man has existed upon it for thousands, and we have reliable data on the weather for 50.

Now that you mention it, it rained like hell the first spring I got here, 98 I think, Then it hit 123 or something one day that July, we had a week plus of 118. Didn't see that this summer, though we ran a really long string of 110+ days. Yes the weather has varied a bit over the last 20+ years, and yet I still have no desire to even move. Like the hurricane thing, hurricanes are NOT WORSE over the last 20 years. It's BS, but if I can get free gubmint money to study it or build some carbon recovery thing, or get funding from someone taking advantage to proselytize about it why not?

Now you're back to humans not affecting the environment, but only responding as "it changes."
No we are part of the biome. We affect it by living or even dying, breaking down and decomposing. Everything that goes on in the biome has an affect. It's the assumption that we are the only factor that affects the temperature. The fact that solar activity has been much higher isn't relevant. "We" don't know sh-t and "Climate" panic is just stupid.

See also "The Twilight Zone S3.E10 The Midnight Sun"
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I think it will occur well before 2075. Actually, the alarmists are freaking out about it a bit. This has some interesting tax implications as well as the population ages. Birth rates have plummeted in many places. I don't really see this as a huge problem either.

Are we discussing chemistry or our biosphere? I did not say we cannot affect the environment. Anything that lives in the biome affects the environment in some way. The arrogance is the assumption that we are somehow going to destroy the biome with CO2. Follow the money on this craziness. People have been getting rich off this panic.

Your trying to extrapolate 10 years of data from a single data point, into some sort of conclusion about the biome of a planet that has been around for billions of years, and for which man has existed upon it for thousands, and we have reliable data on the weather for 50.

Now that you mention it, it rained like hell the first spring I got here, 98 I think, Then it hit 123 or something one day that July, we had a week plus of 118. Didn't see that this summer, though we ran a really long string of 110+ days. Yes the weather has varied a bit over the last 20+ years, and yet I still have no desire to even move. Like the hurricane thing, hurricanes are NOT WORSE over the last 20 years. It's BS, but if I can get free gubmint money to study it or build some carbon recovery thing, or get funding from someone taking advantage to proselytize about it why not?

No we are part of the biome. We affect it by living or even dying, breaking down and decomposing. Everything that goes on in the biome has an affect. It's the assumption that we are the only factor that affects the temperature. The fact that solar activity has been much higher isn't relevant. "We" don't know sh-t and "Climate" panic is just stupid.

See also "The Twilight Zone S3.E10 The Midnight Sun"
Actually what was and am getting at is them moving into your home after you have been eaten. But hey. 🤣

co2 is a joke. You will have other problems way worse before then. Look at recent New Orleans event and the Diverse way of them coping with the ppl here. We fed them and now like Brown bear and Polar bear they want to move in and share the real estate.
7 days left. Will it happen before sanity takes the reigns?
Have you looked at TikTok. I’m not on it but saw several shared videos.

1 many liberals still believe that during the inauguration that Trump is arrested and Harris installed . Can’t make this up.

2. Other half is openly calling for a revolution starting in Bakersfield because of the ice raids.

Should be entertaining.
Have you looked at TikTok. I’m not on it but saw several shared videos.

1 many liberals still believe that during the inauguration that Trump is arrested and Harris installed . Can’t make this up.

2. Other half is openly calling for a revolution starting in Bakersfield because of the ice raids.

Should be entertaining.
Exactly why they are getting rid of tiktok. Only foreign influencing we can have is in Washington DC by the ADL and AIPAC.

If the TikTok app really shuts down in the US, but continues to function elsewhere, perhaps the privileged US will learn what life is like for those less privileged in other places who must use VPNs to access certain internet resources on account of local firewall restrictions, etc.
Do the world a favor and ban TikTok, Instagram and Facebook (slow / impede the spread of mass stupidity).

Turn off data streams to any phone moving faster than 5 MPH but under 100 MPH (prevent texting while driving but allow it on planes, high speed rail, etc.).

Make cell phones illegal for anyone under 18 years old (keep children from being tortured, distracted, victimized and force them to focus on school things when in school).

Install cell phone jammers in movie theaters, schools, etc. Tie the jammers into the fire alarm system. If there is an emergency and the fire alarm is activated, the jammers are shut off and phones can then be used. This is simply because the majority of inconsiderate a-holes cannot be counted upon to respect others and turn their phone off in places where they should, and most parents are too lazy and stupid to police their own children's use of the phone.

Yeah, I'm grouchy. And I'm sick of stupidity and inconsiderate people.

diy solar

diy solar