The biggest reason they want TikTok gone - it got seized as free speech platform more so than others GAB as pointed out is under constant attack ….. Torba from GAB is also on XDo the world a favor and ban TikTok, Instagram and Facebook (slow / impede the spread of mass stupidity).
Turn off data streams to any phone moving faster than 5 MPH but under 100 MPH (prevent texting while driving but allow it on planes, high speed rail, etc.).
Make cell phones illegal for anyone under 18 years old (keep children from being tortured, distracted, victimized and force them to focus on school things when in school).
Install cell phone jammers in movie theaters, schools, etc. Tie the jammers into the fire alarm system. If there is an emergency and the fire alarm is activated, the jammers are shut off and phones can then be used. This is simply because the majority of inconsiderate a-holes cannot be counted upon to respect others and turn their phone off in places where they should, and most parents are too lazy and stupid to police their own children's use of the phone.
Yeah, I'm grouchy. And I'm sick of stupidity and inconsiderate people.
TIK TOK was initially filled with ppl gawking in an internet mirror and still is like all of those public platforms.
How is Zuckerbucks worth billions from facebook aka META now? Hmmmmm information and control is valuable ….. the cheese is not free