diy solar

diy solar

Weird solar panel failure on RV


Village Idiot
Sep 9, 2021
Someone posted this on a retirement site I am on:

"We are camping in AZ. (First trip in new camper). Right before midnight we heard a loud sound. At first I thought maybe someone whipped a rock at our camper and broke one of our windows. But they all seemed fine. This morning we went on the roof and see one of our solar panels is completely shattered. And there is a burn mark on the panel also.

Can someone explain how something like this happens? Is there anything we can do to prevent something like this happening in the future? Or is the panel maybe just defective?

Conditions of where we are camping: Temps yesterday were high of 75 and low of 45. So not too much of an extreme temp change. And there were no storms in the area, and no debris that could have fallen on our camper since we are in full sun.
Edited to add: This is a factory installed panel. It is made by Go Power in Canada."



He has 2 of the same panels connected to a Victron SCC, but not sure what size the SCC is.

What in the world could cause this? The damage on the top is inside the glass. The bottom is burned through. This happened at night. I am baffled.
I suspect vandalism, but would like to hear another explanation.

i have been Boondocking in central az. one place i went to three times. First no incidents. Second time, a guy pulled up next to my spot on Tuesday and said he’d left his camper there on Sunday and someone had stole it. After he left, someone living out there suspects insurance fraud. The third time, a lady told me that someone had been parked where I was two days prior and a car had pulled up and thrown a rock at a window of an Rv, broke it, and drove away quick. Was going to go a fourth time, but opted for a dry site with security for $20 a night.

Panels are stout; I don’t know anything natural that would break them.

EDIT: Can you provide a town this happened at?
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