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diy solar

diy solar

What size battery bank do yall got?

What size battery bank yall got?

  • 5 Kwh or less

  • 10 Kwh

  • 15 Kwh

  • 20 Kwh

  • 25 Kwh

  • 30 Kwh

  • 35 Kwh

  • 40+ Kwh or more

  • (MORE) 70 Kwh - 120 Kwh

  • (MORE) 120 Kwh - 170 Kwh

Results are only viewable after voting.
102kwh "hybrid" as in grid for range, Cadet wall heaters and 7.5hp air compressor on separate grid breaker panel and solar for everything else including conventional electric water heater and electric dryer. Primary heat is wood stove.
14.3KwH EG4 Indoor Wall mount with a 16.38KW array. Fully on-grid with battery in place to cover power outages with slight grid reduction. In NYS with NYSEG and squeaked in on the 1:1 kwh net metering, for 20 years at least and then I go to whatever net metering is in place then. 5,806kwh of excess generation as of December 10th, should cover our usage for winter until the sun starts shining more
He meant to use the colloquially correct “All Y’all’’ to ask everybody.
As in “what all y’all rocking battery wise?”.
I've met a not insignificant number of Americans.
This is a stereotypical response you see and hear in literature and TV but I don think I ever heard an ordinary person say it.
I've met a not insignificant number of Americans.
This is a stereotypical response you see and hear in literature and TV but I don think I ever heard an ordinary person say it.
Believe me, its very common in the southern states including Virginia, Kentucky, Tennessee, Texas, Carolinas, even parts of Florida near Alabama.
I guess it depends who you consider an ordinary person. :)
It’s a really big country, there are many many interesting local dialects and word phrases out there.
115kWh ESS to-date,
The house and business (next door) both run on one solar-power-plant only tie to grid is the EG4 Chargeverter on a 2P relay.
New ESS racks will hold up to 20, 16s-304Ah DIY packs = max ESS 310kWh
I have been adding two packs per year, will keep going with that pace.
Last Time I visited Florida everyone I spoke to seemed to be a Yanke.
Except my Cousin who was in a Norther state I believe who still sounds Canadian.

BUT I say things like whilst and spell tyre with a Y and try to put a U after every O I see so I should probably not point things out lol.
Do you say YALL when you speak or is it just something you type?

Sometimes out loud 😄 It was just a friendly informal way of saying you all.

I am a North easterner, so not really a common phrase here, but sho 'nuff I have plenty of family over yonder down south. I aint no highfalutin stranger to the slang, don't go getting your britches in a bunch now😄
Last Time I visited Florida everyone I spoke to seemed to be a Yanke.
Except my Cousin who was in a Norther state I believe who still sounds Canadian.
The yanks have indeed invaded the bigger southern cities, but not once you get out into the country so much.
It’s actually really interesting to see the interactions between a New Englander and someone from Alabama.
It’s like they need a translator. :)
This is always a great topic of discussion at meals.
The yanks have indeed invaded the bigger southern cities, but not once you get out into the country so much.
It’s actually really interesting to see the interactions between a New Englander and someone from Alabama.
It’s like they need a translator. :)
This is always a great topic of discussion at meals.
My step mother was from Maine.
She spoke French with that accent.
Pretty interesting to listen to her..

E. B. White explained it well:​

To foreigners, a Yankee is an American.​

To Americans, a Yankee is a Northerner.​

To Northerners, a Yankee is a New Englander.​

To New Englanders, a Yankee is a Vermonter.​

And in Vermont, a Yankee is somebody who eats pie for breakfast.​

Did everyone (all y’all) who originally voted in the 40 kWh+ category move their vote (if appropriate) or add another selection?
I am hoping for the same that everyone adjusted their selection, I did see the number of votes drop lower under the 40kwh-70kwh category and tick up in the 70kwh-170kwh, so I think a few have. I was worried slightly about the results being slightly skewed because of the late addition, but to be fair
40kwh-70kwh is a broader category than all the preceeding 5kwh increments.

E. B. White explained it well:​

To foreigners, a Yankee is an American.​

To Americans, a Yankee is a Northerner.​

To Northerners, a Yankee is a New Englander.​

To New Englanders, a Yankee is a Vermonter.​

And in Vermont, a Yankee is somebody who eats pie for breakfast.​

Its an accent to me

Same an be said about a lot of accents from the UK.
French accents are also distinctive and very regional.

Germans I cant pin down.

Poles all sound a lot a like unless you find a pocket of old speak like in Whitby Ontario that keep an dialect alive and frozen in time.

Newfies that sound like they are Irishmen form around cork lol...
I was worried slightly about the results being slightly skewed because of the late addition, but to be fair
40kwh-70kwh is a broader category than all the preceeding 5kwh increments.
Typical Server racks are 5kWh - used as a basis,
720...Does @upnorthandpersonal need a 1MW catagory yet ? (soon?) LOL
Does @upnorthandpersonal need a 1MW catagory yet ? (soon?) LOL
Actually, do we know who the reigning king or queen of active kWh storage is on the forum? Will?
I’m not talking about those cells sitting on a shelf or the EV battery in the garage not being used.
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Actually, do we know who the reigning king or queen of active kWh storage is on the forum? Will?
I’m not talking about those cells sitting on a shelf or the EV battery in the garage not being used.
uh, @Will Prowse likely ... maybe @B-Mod - trying to recall someone else with about 300kWh running ESS...

diy solar

diy solar