diy solar

diy solar

Which external Bluetooth Charge Controller can be used with the Ecoflow Delta 1300 ?


New Member
Dec 27, 2021
Hello there,
ok before anyone be why and why not, please understand knowledge is passed through questions, experiences, and explanations.
With that being said, the question is not whether we should need it or not, but which ones do exist to get the job done.
The Ecoflow Delta 1300 does not provide the data of what goes in and out in a track record. Unlike other, it doesn't also allow it to be remotely monitored through Bluetooth.

So because we need to have remote monitoring, and record tracking we elected to search for an additional Bluetooth device/charge controller...
what would be the best route to achieve this? Which Controller/Bluetooth have you tested, or could recommend based on your solid knowlegde?

Thank you for helping.