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diy solar

diy solar

Wiring my new battery pack


New Member
May 19, 2020
As stated ad nauseum, I've been running 4 old 1kwh 24v Chevy Volts but have purchased 4 24v x 100ah LiTimes.

I used the diagonal connection:


for my parallel set up in the past and since I had no BMS I was ignorant of unequal draws or any other disadvantage of that simple connection may have had on the batteries.

So....Can anyone share pics or diagrams or descriptions of their different set up if different than what I had been using?

Further, I have been trying to find good images of bus bar, my batteries will be lined up next to each other and can't wrap my fat head around where to mount the bus. Do I do one for neg, one for positive ...really hard to find any good info and I'm somewhat good at googling stuff.

Also......what is the best way to "test" the batteries when they arrive? Assuming delivery this week they'll be sitting at home for over a week before I can insall at the cabin
Further, I have been trying to find good images of bus bar, my batteries will be lined up next to each other and can't wrap my fat head around where to mount the bus. Do I do one for neg, one for positive ...really hard to find any good info and I'm somewhat good at googling stuff.
So all in parallel? Yes, two bus bars of course. One for neg and one for pos.

Below is an example but it's only got bolts for (3) batteries. All of the pos and neg cables need to be the same length but the pos and neg can be different than each other. It's probably better to mount the bar bar close to your inverter since the bus bus to the inverter will be the largest cable diameter since it's the largest amps. Hopefully that helped a bit.

Also......what is the best way to "test" the batteries when they arrive? Assuming delivery this week they'll be sitting at home for over a week before I can insall at the cabin
The best way? My 2 cents. Do a full capacity test one at time with something like a Victron Shunt.

But the next best way is just to make sure they are all at the same voltage and then charge them to within .1 (or closer) of a volt if they aren't.
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The typical installations with battery packs in Parallel are shown in my example diagrams below.
Added a LFP Voltage Range chart at the bottom as well for quick reference.

Each battery needs to be Fused or Breakered..
Battery cable from batt Terminals to Common DC Bus should be same length, same gauge & lugs used.

! Do Not MIX Chemistries as they charge/discharge profiles are not the same and this will cause various issues but most importantly the inefficiencies & losses are a huge waste.

Use only Quality Fuses/Breakers !!!
Smartshunt located in such a manner will see everything that goes in/out of battery bank collectively for a fairly accurate gauge for energy.

Some quick references for interest;

Parallel System-setup PNG.png


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diy solar