Too many (problems) at once actually.Which problem does YamBMS try to solve? How does YamBMS accomplish that goal.
- First and foremost is facilitating inverter communication for DIY batteries. Currently over CANBus. The YAM in YamBMS stands for combining multiple such DIY batteries in parallel with your inverter.
For many users new to the Solar landscape, it commonly translates to their DIY battery setups enjoying benefits of battery data availability on remote monitoring portal. As it did for me. - Not just that, YamBMS features far better, and highly adaptive charging logic than anything currently in existence, unsurpassed even by proprietary manufacturers. Many careful choices made were the result of purely academic and theoretical deliberations over months. That is 'almost' a technical whitepaper in its own right.
- Third is the idea of having control and 'actually owning' the hardware you bought.
For example, My inverter model exports electricity only after it has fully charged the battery. So, I've automated a 'charging current limit zero' command for it to export electricity whenever I want to.
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Inverter manufacturers themselves specify that these values sent over the communication bus at 1 Hz. Not just charging parameters but battery health and cell level data is also sent.When sending these highly dynamic requested charge voltage and termination/cut-off values to the inverter/charge-controller. Are these values being written to EPROM somewhere in the inverter? How afraid should one be that the inverter of BMS is out of EPROM write/erase/program cycles (100,000 times the number of spare pages available) because of the highly dynamic (read: 17,280 times a day sending the requested value at a 5 second interval)
Absolutely! There so many implementations that need to be done properly by BMS and Inverter manufacturers' side. This is just one of the many.The same logic applies when discharging, it high datasheet discharge rates LFP cells can be discharged to 2.5 volts per cell. When the discharge rate is lower, discharging the battery should be stopped at a higher voltage then datasheet value. (The lithium cell discharge voltage level is current dependant).
I think that YamBMS currently only handles the charging part, not the discharging part, or does it?
We have to workaround and are bottlenecked by the features implemented into inverters at the moment. We can 'request' hardware what to do, not 'control' it.
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