diy solar

diy solar

Victron Orion XS DC-DC chargers are shipping - Just got mine!

What are you using for tank sensing that works with the Cerbo? I have a Cerbo Tank and bought some ultrasonic sensors that are supposed to be compatible with the Tank but they didn't work.
I’m using a second SeeLevel II monitor that is tied to the Cerob GX via a RV-C to VE Can adapter cable. The SeeLevel II monitor needs to be the 709-N2KNLP (NMEA200) version for it to work with the Cerbo. For the LPG tank reading, I’m using a Mopeka LPG Tank sensor via bluetooth to the Cerbo. Temp monitors are also via bluetooth and I’m using the Ruuvi Tags for that. Initially a headache to setup as I’m using two SeeLevel II monitors. The main one is bluetooth enabled with an app which helps out to have when dumping the tanks so I did not want to get rid of it and they don’t make one with both bluetooth and RV-C. I had to contact Garnett the manufacturer which they were quite helpful and showed me how to set up the RV-C one as the primary and the bluetooth one as the secondary. If you’re only installing one then you’re good. One thing too note is that when running the grounds and sender wires, try to avoid running them along or attach them any 120 AC wires as they will interfere and throw off the values on the tank readings.

Below is a great write up on how to do it. You can buy the kit from them if you want but I didn’t. I bought my SeeLevel II from an RV supply house and made my own cable which is a PITA to do so I would just buy one made.

Now, I’m still undecided if I leave my GuiMods with all the available info on the screen that I’ve become accustomed to or Victron’s streamlined new firmware look as I’m really liking it too.


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I have the Mopeka bluetooth sensors on my propane tanks so I will get them integrated on the Cerbo. It looks like Mopeka sells wireless tank sensors that work with the Cerbo as well. Going to order one and see how it works.
I installed the Orion XS in my truck's LiFePO4 battery system. Here is the Victron Connect Status Display. The Orion XS is powered by an F-350 240A alternator at idle. The efficiency of the XS is 98% at 50A. This compares to the Victron specification of 98.5% Maximum Efficiency (probably at a lower current). I really like seeing the efficiency at full load to be that close to the specification. This is one of the reasons I like Victron - they have published specifications and they meet them.

The thermal camera image is kind of interesting. This is the back back side of the XS showing the aluminum plate with the product label sticker in the middle (shows yellow in the IR photo). Below the sticker, there is reflection of my smart phone and knuckles. Notice that the sticker temperature is 44C, but the aluminum plate is showing dark purple, meaning it is registering much cooler. Intuitively, we know the sticker and the aluminum are the same temperature because the sticker is glued right onto the aluminum plate. The reason for this discrepancy is that aluminum has a much lower emissivity than paper, meaning that it emits a lot less infrared light than does paper at the same temperature. The other problem with measuring metallic objects is they reflect IR, like from my hands. You can easily get a false temperature reading from your own reflection or even a ceiling light. A good solution is to put masking tape (or a sticker) on the metal object. Masking tape has high emissivity (0.92+) and eliminates the reflection.

Summary: So far I'm very pleased with the features and performance of the Orion XS.
(Also, the 240A alternator has no problem with this load at idle. But that's another topic.)

Orion XS at 50A 20240518.png

I sure wish they had an isolated version but otherwise looks good. I like the IP65 rating as I'd love to mount this on the underside of my camper as I have very limited space available inside.
I'd love to mount this on the underside of my camper
Me too, except that here in Indiana, in the winter time, the highway department sprays some wickedly corrosive stuff to melt ice that would likely destroy all the terminals in no time. I learned my lesson when I installed batteries under my truck.