diy solar

diy solar

The Rooftop Solar Industry Could Be on the Verge of Collapse Time Magazine


Solar Enthusiast
Nov 26, 2022
Phoenix, Arizona
Interesting read on the solar industry. 2023 over 100 residential solar dealers filed bankruptcy. One story here is an 83-year-old woman who didn't know she had taken out a loan for 52k dollars after a door-to-door solar salesmen had her touch the tablet he had. My own mother called me once said there was a solar contractor who she was talking to. He wanted her to sign an iPad giving him permission to go on her roof in order to determine if she could get solar. When I looked at what the iPad said it was an actual contract for 11-year solar lease. When I pointed this out he claimed it wasn't binding, but I showed him that it was only not binding if he determined the roof needed too much repair. Her roof was perfect I'm sure it would have been binding. I told him using fraudulent sales tactics to sell solar is against the law I was going to report him to the state AG office and Register of contractors.

Solar contractors are the 21st century Tin Men.
It will be a niche technology for those who can afford it. This is obvious to anyone paying attention. $25+K without subsidy is not exactly chump change... (And that is for a self-designed ~10kw system paying only for hardware and minimum installer cost (Essentially just mounting panels on the roof+all permitting work). 90% of electrical work was self-done.
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Vivint Solar was the company who tried to sell solar to my mother by signing an iPad contract telling her it was a release form so he could go on the roof had a lease term of 11 years. It mentioned they were one of the companies that are being sued by several people.
Vivint Solar was the company who tried to sell solar to my mother by signing an iPad contract telling her it was a release form so he could go on the roof had a lease term of 11 years. It mentioned they were one of the companies that are being sued by several people.
These various companies target older ppl on purpose not just solar it is everything..….. they know they are not as sharp or are easy to flim flam. I consider it elder abuse same as if they were physically abusing them. That is how it should be viewed…. Laws should be made to lock these dirty dealers behind bars with extra long sentences. I get mail all the time that looks like official govt mail but is some flim flam trying sell something that don’t want. Old ppl will be tricked by this email. Why these companies keep doing it - flim flam older ppl. The penalty for being caught is not severe enough or it would stop. Consider it like phone calls for extended car warranty - reason they keep calling is someone is buying it. If no one was being tricked for a purchase than it would have stopped long ago.

I am curious did the Solar company physically install anything on the person’s home after touching the laptop? Or did they want money up front? You’d think the elderly person would know something was going on if ppl started installing equipment. Right? Look ar Joe Biden opening the southern border does he know does he care what that will bring? Or does he know? He is case of elder abuse should be locked away for past crimes himself.

installing solar is crazy high for pricing. The ROI for elderly ppl is no shape form fashion advisable. As noted 100+years in age to pay it back. Installs are in the quoted price ranges. Again crazy high. Sadly given the amount of time it will take to pay off the system will be non operational because the entire system degrades. I’d think it best to have a new roof before solar panel install…that roof alone is very expensive now.

Again have no doubt the elderly are being targeted as this has been common practice for ever. They most likely attempt put a lien on the home too.
Its not just elderly.
Plenty of ignorant and stupid "rich" people in all age groups.
Its not just elderly.
Plenty of ignorant and stupid "rich" people in all age groups.
Rich ppl are better suited to take a hit whereas think the story stated woman was on fixed income less then $1000 a month. No doubt the salesman knew was flim flam this particular elder - old age person - group as easy target.

Sadly when if person goes in old age retirement home they will go after property too.welcome to protect and honor the elderly. Mostly due to rotten family and way present society was raised. Usually the more educated children are the worse the parents are treated according to old surveys and such. The children want elderly to die so can fight over remaining parts of estate if any.

Exactly why ppl in 5 democrat States did not riot over covid lock downs and covid spreading in those Democratic governed States - retirement homes. They let mom dad grandmother grand pa uncle aunt die alone. Bad reflection on the youth. The fun part they - surviving greedy family members might eventually get old enough to share same if not worse faith. Everyone dies just matter of when and where.

Scammers need express elevator to hell.
These "businesses" are born out of government subsidies.

One day the investors are doing solar, the next minute they are providing "relief" to victims of the Ukraine conflict, then after that they are helping people refinance student loans.
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These "businesses" are born out of government subsidies.

One day the investors are doing solar, the next minute they are providing "relief" to victims of the Ukraine conflict, then after that they are helping people refinance student loans.
Careful or the Govt will develop a plan to take all of our money to feed itself. 🤣😀 The leftist never figure out the govt doesn’t foot the debt… money is not free. That burden ispassed to citizens for govt spending. When they take away bill of rights ppl will become subjects vs citizens. 😀🤣

Old ppl will not be flim flam because they will own nothing ..
Rich ppl are better suited to take a hit whereas think the story stated woman was on fixed income less then $1000 a month. No doubt the salesman knew was flim flam this particular elder - old age person - group as easy target.

Sadly when if person goes in old age retirement home they will go after property too.welcome to protect and honor the elderly. Mostly due to rotten family and way present society was raised. Usually the more educated children are the worse the parents are treated according to old surveys and such. The children want elderly to die so can fight over remaining parts of estate if any.

Exactly why ppl in 5 democrat States did not riot over covid lock downs and covid spreading in those Democratic governed States - retirement homes. They let mom dad grandmother grand pa uncle aunt die alone. Bad reflection on the youth. The fun part they - surviving greedy family members might eventually get old enough to share same if not worse faith. Everyone dies just matter of when and where.

Scammers need express elevator to hell.

There is no doubt that this is true.
However, in my observation, a lot of elderly people tend to be a lot smarter and harder to fool than most of the "young, rich and stupid (naive?)" crowd. (I also know lots of elderly who refused the jab)
Most of the people here i see with Panels and Ev's are the yuppy types.
Agree with you about scammers 100%. The funny things is its super easy to hit scammers pocketbooks, but as usual, scammers benefit many powers that be, so they look the other way. (Phone scammers and phone companies are just single example, and another internet scammers and cloud providers)
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If you ever watched the 1987 movie "Tin Men" starring Richard Dreyfuss and Danny DiVito. Reminds me of door-to-door salespeople solar companies send out to your home. They sold aluminum siding using all kinds of fraudulent schemes. They always say "Were installing solar in one of your neighbors homes we would like to offer you a special price because were in the area".
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