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Batvette's latest activity

  • B
    That was doable in san diego bay over 30 years ago. Slip spaces are super expensive now. Back in the early 80s a navy buddy had a 35'...
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    Batvette replied to the thread Half price electric cars.
    Sure they will. Count the number of electronics devices in your possession now that are over 10 years old. Now go price any 60s muscle...
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    Batvette replied to the thread Half price electric cars.
    For non homeowners there is "other". For you we will see those benefits erode when subsidies disappear, road taxes increase to offset...
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    Batvette replied to the thread Half price electric cars.
    Funny you equate impracticality, expense, and being sold a false premise on environmental benefits with "resistance to change". If a...
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    Perusing the craigslist ads for housing:roomates wanted, and having a laugh at some of these idiots telling their life stories and...
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    Batvette replied to the thread Trump.
    Thats really a beautiful passage in that song because Rogers characters despair has built to a crescendo at that point, as did the music...
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    Batvette replied to the thread Biden.
    This explains in detail why Im not the stupid one on the economy...
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    Batvette replied to the thread Biden.
    Nelson Mandela was convicted of many serious felonies. OJ was not. Do you really believe that means he didnt kill his ex wife and her...
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    Batvette reacted to klystron's post in the thread Biden with Like Like.
    Charged by democrats Tried by democrats Convicted by democrats And all for a "crime" that no one has ever been charged with before, and...
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    Theyre probably collecting it anyway and refusal just ensures more close inspection in the future. Not saying I like it, just being...
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    Batvette replied to the thread Trump.
    Look up that stupid broad that immeraed her toddler in the rio grande (most polluted river in the US, 6 million gallons of raw sewage a...
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    Batvette replied to the thread Trump.
    Is there a point here. Not a question. You sound like a liberal.
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    Batvette replied to the thread Trump.
    Many of the kids were rented in their home countries! Over 6,000 documented cases in 2019 alone according to CBP. AND the laptop...
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    Batvette replied to the thread Trump.
    Yes youre the problem. The election was RIGGED just as he deecribes why do you think you can pretend it isnt documented? The letter by...
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    Batvette replied to the thread Trump.
    Biden and Trump the same yeah right we can tell by the way MSM and permenent washington have been so fair to Trump. Biden 47 years in...
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    Batvette replied to the thread Biden.
    Oh just to successfully bury every point you made, local govts are coming up short because americans real income has lagged inflation...
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    Batvette replied to the thread Biden.
    This is pretty easy to document. Look what happened in november 2000. Just announcing his presidency caused a spike. Then another in...
    • Screenshot_20240614_163655_Chrome.jpg
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    Batvette replied to the thread Biden.
    US oil production goes up when crude prices go up and leases take years to develop. Market apprehension drives increases. Biden can...
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    Batvette replied to the thread Biden.
    I said the cost to buy a house and thats largely been driven by interest rates. Your citing of only real estate prices is typical cherry...
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    Batvette reacted to Checkthisout's post in the thread Trump with Like Like.
    It's just weird to me that anyone would ever be like "yay big government" unless you're "in the club".

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diy solar