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diy solar

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  • Post in thread: Which battery’s for daily use

    Amazing, thanks so much for your help!
  • Post in thread: Battery Advice Wanted!

    Hi Mike, Thank you so much for actually reading and responding to what I am asking. And communicating your answer in a language an everyday person can understand. I’ve taken all of your advice on board and couldn’t agree more. The only remaining questions I have are: Will my SCC be ok for...
  • Post in thread: Which battery’s for daily use

    Thanks for the advice! I had a quick look at SOK and I don’t think theyre available in the UK and way out of my price range if I’m trying to get around 200ah. Again, thanks for your help and advice!
  • Post in thread: Which battery’s for daily use

    I’m adding a 400 w wind turbine this weekend, and looking into getting a generator and a 230 v smart charger in the next few weeks (once I’ve saved up again). Would you say I’d be better off getting cheaper batteries and using the money I’ve saved from that to get a smart charger and old...
  • Post in thread: Which battery’s for daily use

    I have no more room on my roof for solar and to add any more would mean a new solar controller as mine is maxed out on what it can handle. Also we’re in the uk so not as fortunate as the Caribbean for sun hahah. I’m just putting alternatives in place for the winter as the uk doesn’t see much sun...
  • Post in thread: Battery Advice Wanted!

    What is wrong with the 12v side? This is kind of the whole point of my post, the batteries went bad after about 14 months, they were sold as deep cycle (see pictures) the technical specs are: Voltage: 12 v Capacity C5: 70 ah Capacity C20: 90 ah Capacity C100: 110 ah 5 of these batteries were...
  • Post in thread: Which battery’s for daily use

    Thanks for your help but my budget is £570 hence opting for agms, as I also need to include an inverter in this price, just trying to get the best bang for my buck, we hardly use any power just the battered old lead battery we are currently making do with is dead by 8 - 10 pm and then we’re onto...
  • Post in thread: Replacing batteries on my solar system

    Thanks for replying! I thought with the amount of solar panels and the decent controller they would of been getting fully charged on a regular basis, if this is not the case would reducing the amount of batteries help as I don’t think I need 660ah (330ah usable) but having say 4 give them a...
  • Post in thread: Battery Advice Wanted!

    Hi Matt thanks for your reply. I’ve not seen the term Voc used before but I’m guessing it’s what shows up on the SCC which in full sunlight goes up to 125v so I’d assume my panels are 25Voc. All of the photos were taken today (a fairly clear February afternoon) and they were producing 112v, I...
  • Post in thread: Battery Advice Wanted!

    Hi bobert, Thanks for your reply! SCC: 50 amp / 150 volt Solar panels: 100 watt (I can’t find specs for them online I guess eco-worthy have replaced them with 120W ones) in the range of 21-25Voc Inverter: 4000 watt pure sine wave DC 12V to AC 220V (it has 4 40 amp fuses in it if that helps?)...
  • Post in thread: Which battery’s for daily use

    Hi, I’m finally adding new battery’s to my system (5 x 100w solar panels in series with photonic universe 150 v solar controller) and having wasted quite a lot of money last time buying batteries that weren’t fit for the job I’m hoping to get some expert advice on what to go for this time. My...
  • Post in thread: Replacing batteries on my solar system

    My batteries have recently failed testing after being taken back under warranty, and now I have to pay to get them shipped back to me, which is pretty pointless as they’re not holding charge so I’m in the market for a new battery bank. I had 5 110 ah ‘solarflex’ sealed 12v batteries and one...
  • Post in thread: Battery Advice Wanted!

    Hi all, My knowledge on this stuff is very limited, I don’t understand how to do the equations to calculate exactly what I need so I thought if I just overestimate everything I should be fine for a long time. Wrong. Where there is now just the one battery powering my LED light and a 5v USB...
  • Post in thread: Battery Advice Wanted!

    But if they have charged a discharged battery why would they not be working?
  • Post in thread: Which battery’s for daily use

    The inverter for a couple of hours, lights for up to 12 hours (probably more like 6 but always over estimate) usb for carging phones 6 hours and to start up the diesel heater 6 times per day (I have no idea on how much the heater uses to get started sorry) I should have also mentioned I’m going...
  • Post in thread: Which battery’s for daily use

    To be honest I just seen victron as a trusted brand, others that I have spoken to have told me it’s about the best off grid stuff you can buy. But I guess that’s why I’m here to find out from the experts! Yes that’s the solar controller ?
  • Post in thread: Battery Advice Wanted!

    Right I see now we’re on the same page. So to speed the flow of my tap up I should link them in parallel? The only reason I did them in series is because I watched a guy on YouTube who said to do it this way to minimise fire risk (it’s also been cleaned out now too) A friend told me to link...

diy solar

diy solar