diy solar

diy solar


May 1
More than 20 years living with off grid solar, we have a tiny 12 system.Our first effort was a disaster, with a cooked charge controller.For a while we had a DC system, lights, mobile phone charger and a portable DVD player.We then upgraded to an inverter and the luxury of 220 AC.
Current or Future Solar Power System
We are looking to replace our 12V system, mostly because we want a 220AC fridge and freezer, replacing our current propane fired one.The limitations of 12V, in particular, reguarding to the size and cost of an inverter big enough to start a fridge compressor, means we are looking at a 24 or 48 V system.Because of tree cover, our current system is remote - its in and on our toolshed, 50M from the cabin.This means that we're unsure about lithium batteries, with regards to having them in an unheated building.Our philosophy is small is beautiful & we are on a tight budget so being informed and doing as much as possible ourselves is vital.


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diy solar

diy solar