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  • Post in thread: Chinese inverter discharges batteries without anything connected

    Good light bulb, but I'm not aware that Voltronic Axpert is possible to do this. But I have a very similar plan to overcome this! Using "Charge Source Priority Timer" to change from " Solar only" to "Solar & Utility" for 1-2 hours (don't know if Axpert Timer allows 1h ... discussed in another...
  • Post in thread: LV6548 output/charger source priority timer settings

    Did anbody test if setting Start & End time to identical values will allow to set a 1 hour period? eg. will Start=16 and Stop =16 switch on at 16:00 and off at 16:59? Or is this forbidden like Start = End = 00 as mentioned in the initial post? If Setting "16" is set to "OSO" (only solar) and...
  • Post in thread: Chinese inverter discharges batteries without anything connected

    I see it from my JBD-BMS monitoring and I can measure it on the Battery cables w/ Clamp-Meter (approx. 1.5A).
  • Post in thread: LV6548 output/charger source priority timer settings

    I could find the communication protocol for Voltronic Axpert Max. Don't know how much the communication of the different Voltronic Off-Grid inverters differ, but at least the commands for QCHPT and QOPPT fit to Wayne's 1st thread. I upload it here. Please comment if you have further knowledge.
  • Post in thread: Voltronic Command Tool: Manual needed

    In the meantime I could find the communication protocol for Voltronic Axpert Max. Don't know how much the communication of the different Voltronic Off-Grid inverters differs, but at least the commands for QCHPT and QOPPT fit to the doku from @wayne530 . I upload it here. Please comment if you...
  • Post in thread: Chinese inverter discharges batteries without anything connected

    I'm so sorry this was a typo! I corrected my post! Please excuse me! I see a residual discharge of 70W on the BMS, which equivalents to 1.5A I measure on the battery cables. And to make it a little bit more clear. It's not a problem that the Axpert has an idle consumption of ~70W ... this is...
  • Post in thread: Chinese inverter discharges batteries without anything connected

    @RCinFLA Thank you for this Block Diagram. Makes things clearer. Can you judge if in the classification-system you used in your post, those Voltronic Axperts or MPPsolar Uabxy are of type "cheap HF inverters" or "really cheap AIO inverter"
  • Post in thread: Voltronic Command Tool: Manual needed

    @wayne530 shared in this thread the link to the download of the Voltronic's Command Tool ( It allows basic RS232 communication...
  • Post in thread: LV6548 output/charger source priority timer settings

    @wayne530^ @DanielS Thank you for sharing this information. Helped a lot to understand observed behaviour. I'm just asking myself if there are other commands than QT and QOTTP to read out inverter data. Does anybody have documentation for the communication tool?
  • Post in thread: Chinese inverter discharges batteries without anything connected

    Hi! I understand that these Chinese inverters (Voltronic, etc.) have higher idle consumption. But what's not fully clear to me and where I ask myself if nobody so far tried to find a solution for, is: The Axpert is configured SBU. Grid is connected and always stable available. When during the...
  • Post in thread: Solar Assistant and Modbus-Powermeters

    Is it possible with Solar Assistant to monitor data from Modbus powermeters e.g. the widely used Eastron SDM/DCM-series.
  • Post in thread: Chinese inverter discharges batteries without anything connected

    @RCinFLA @Mattb4 Thank you for all your patience and support. But even after reading and reflecting all your posts, I must admit that things get clear for me only at the surface but it is still not 100% clear for me where those 70W or 1.5A idle current occure in my exact usecase. So please...

diy solar

diy solar