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diy solar

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  • Post in thread: Growatt SPH6000 > Solar Assistant > MQTT > Feed to InfluxDB V2?

    Have a look at this thread this thread on the influxdata forum. It's not complete but it's getting me there.
  • Post in thread: Growatt SPH 6000 + 6.5kW battery Sytem Production vs Solar stats

    Hi All, Newbie to this solar lark. I have a Growatt system installed 6kW panels + 6.5kW battery with a SPH6000 hybrid inverter. I also have an IotaWatt monitor system measuring the power consumed/produced by my mains useage and the solar system. My question is what is the difference between the...
  • Post in thread: Solar Assistant with Growatt SPH6000

    Well, I went for it. I used this USB to 485 with a cut off RJ45 patch lead. My thinking was it would be easy to change pins if it didn't work. Happily I used pins 4 & 5 and it worked first time. It's pulling in data as I type. Just have to work out how to get the data into my InfluxDB now...
  • Post in thread: Growatt SPH6000 > Solar Assistant > MQTT > Feed to InfluxDB V2?

    Can anyone shed any light? I have the MQTT broker running on solar assistant with another Pi running mosquito broker. From the command line I can subscribe to the topic on both the brokers and see the data streaming to the screen. My problem is getting telegraf set up to parse the data and feed...
  • Post in thread: Growatt SPH6000 > Solar Assistant > MQTT > Feed to InfluxDB V2?

    I have it partly working. Still a few issues but it'll get you started. If anyone has more input please any info appreciated.
  • Post in thread: Growatt SPH6000 Power Harvester mode explanation

    Hi folks, My Growatt SPH6000 + 6.5kW battery is operating in "Power Harvester" mode "Wired CT" according to my account at I have searched hi and low, read the manual etc. but I can't find any details of exactly how this mode operates. Can anyone point me at some documentation...
  • Post in thread: Solar Assistant with Growatt SPH6000

    I have been offline for a while, busy with other things. Just updated SA to version 2023-08-16. There have been a lot of additional settings added to the settings page. So, it looks like I may be moving in the right direction to be able to drop the server.growatt system. One thing is confusing...
  • Post in thread: Growatt SPH6000 > Solar Assistant > MQTT > Feed to InfluxDB V2?

    Yes, you are on the right track. You can run mosquito in a separate container. The relevant ports will be exposed at the localhost level anyway. Or even not run it in a container if necessary. For clarity, I am very much a beginner ?
  • Post in thread: Solar Assistant with Growatt SPH6000

    Hi All, Not sure if I should put this in a new thread but this one seems to be active recently and it is on topic. I too have an SPH6000 with a 6.5kW battery and the shine wifi datalogger connected. My aims are: Get decent/reliable monitoring. Have full configuration control. Feed my data into...
  • Post in thread: Solar Assistant with Growatt SPH6000

    Many thanks @Duckcm18 , your input greatly appreciated. Maybe others will be able to fill in the gaps?
  • Post in thread: Solar Assistant with Growatt SPH6000

    I have it up and running but I can't see anyway to make changes to my inverter setup? Is this supposed to live in the Power Tab? Mine simply says "Power management for your inverter is currently in development"
  • Post in thread: Solar Assistant with Growatt SPH6000

    To be honest, nothing right now. I'm just looking to the future.
  • Post in thread: Solar Assistant with Growatt SPH6000

    I was hoping to drop Shinephone alltogether butmit seems I'll have to hang on to it for a while at least. How are you finding the beta version and how do you get on it? Ah, found it in the FAQ.
  • Post in thread: Growatt SPH6000 > Solar Assistant > MQTT > Feed to InfluxDB V2?

    Hi all, I have a new solar assistant install set up on my growatt system and gathering data. My next step is to try and set up the MQTT to feed into my InfluxDB instance which is gathering data from my house mains via IotaWatt and my Smart Meter via the Octopus API. I have never used MQTT before...

diy solar

diy solar