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  • Post in thread: Hi from France

    Thanks for the reply. Here feed in is really not a thing. I've spoken to a few people that have pv installs and the consensus seems to be the paperwork is an absolute nightmare then the feed in tariff is so small it's just not worth the trouble. The French bureaucracy is globally notorious for...
  • Post in thread: Hi from France

    Wow, that's rough. Similar to here as I believe, very little reward for lots of outlay to get the paperwork in place. We have the new digital meter so I think they'll probably monitor both ways. This was the original idea, we can use a lot of energy heating water during the day in the summer...
  • Post in thread: Hi from France

    Hi everyone. Quick into about me and what I want to achieve. We bought a large building which we converted into a house in rural France. All our water heating and cooking is electric and there are separate AC units in each room. Our power supply is three phase with a maximum supply of 24kW...
  • Post in thread: Hi from France

    Thanks a lot for taking the time to reply to my dumb newbee questions. I really do appreciate your reply. Unfortunately I've reached the point where I'm going to give up on the whole idea. I just can't get my head around any of it despiye spending weeks reading up on it and watching numerous...
  • Post in thread: Hi from France

    I've installed a small system on our camper, that was easy. It's more the risk/worry of wiring everything up, flicking the switch and watching a 3k€ inverter melt, or the wires set fire to the field :LOL:.
  • Post in thread: Hi from France

    Now for the other stupid question. Why can a grid tied PV system only produce power when connected to the grid? I know there's the SMA Tripower that can run a critical panel but that's not the same thing, is it? I am assuming it's for safety. Would it not be possible to disconnect from the...
  • Post in thread: Hi from France

    400 volts gets very warm on the hands (n)
  • Post in thread: Complicated requirements, help needed please

    I've been trying to research what I will need for my install. I think I'm okay with most of it now but really struggling to choose an inverter. My circumstances are a bit complicated Wich us really not helping matters. I'll try to explain why, what I need from my install and what I've found...
  • Post in thread: Complicated requirements, help needed please

    I've been trying to research what I will need for my install. I think I'm okay with most of it now but really struggling to choose an inverter. My circumstances are a bit complicated Wich us really not helping matters. I'll try to explain why, what I need from my install and what I've found...
  • Post in thread: Salut from France, just planing, but many questions

    Hi Lars I'm in a similar position to you, really struggling to find information. I'm a UK expat living in France, trying to find info is a nightmare. As far as I can find out 3kw just do a declaration prèable at your mairie. That's it unless they object. Over 3kw you need the same but then...
  • Post in thread: Salut from France, just planing, but many questions

    Thanks for the update. I'm in 16 Charente. I want to go 9kw so will need inspection unfortunately. I'm having trouble finding something that'll do everything I want it to. It's got to be grid tied but I also want island so if the grid goes down I can still use everything as normal (to a much...
  • Post in thread: Salut from France, just planing, but many questions

    Good info thanks for sharing. So it's not a problem over 3kw (9kW, 3kW/phase) apart from Enedis consiel?
  • Post in thread: Hi from France

    Yeh, that was the SMA inverter I was looking at, then the site I linked to sells LG batteries for ~5.5-6k€ depending on voltage. This is where mission drift becomes a problem though. I might be open to spaffing double the amount on a system but most definately not unless I can be 100% certain...
  • Post in thread: Salut from France, just planing, but many questions

    Awesome, thanks so much for your reply. I've heard Sunsync are a copy of the Deye inverters and offer some great features. As far as I can tell the SMA sunny Tripower smart energy can charge a battery without a separate charge controller. Do you know I'd any of the ones you mentioned can do...

diy solar

diy solar