diy solar

diy solar

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  • MESS (Mobile Emergency Solar System)

    Just finished the build on this for the purpose of emergency power for computer network systems out in the field when I lose a main inverter. This is for use on a commercial solar site, but could easily be used on a home or any other hybrid application as long as you add your own panels. On my...
  • Why do Energy companies make Grid tie next to impossible for DIY

    Sorry about the rant, but it is just ridiculous. Right now trying to deal with Entergy Arkansas for approval to install a grid tied system. Small in the big scheme of things at 5.3 kW. The problem is the paperwork wants a drawing that is not a problem on the face of it, but the guy I talked...
  • Arkansas solar farmer

    I currently manage and maintain a 180 MW utility scale solar farm. I am now branching out and looking to install residential solar on my own home. Looking to build a small 5 kW system at first, but looking to make sure it can easily be expanded on in the future. The electrical part is pretty...

diy solar

diy solar