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diy solar

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  • Post in thread: alte out of business?

    Sol-Ark has sent replacement parts to our customers for repair. People on this forum have recieved parts from Sol-Ark as well. SolarEdge has also send boards for customers to replace for their grid tie and hybrid inverters.
  • Post in thread: alte out of business?

    Many of the AIO's from reputable suppliers are field serviceable. Once the problem has been identified they will send you a replacement board to swap out the failed compotent in the AIO. The compotents typically show up in a FedEx or UPS package. Our customers aren't shipping 200lb of equipment...
  • Post in thread: alte out of business?

    It depends, there are two types of customer profiles. The first one is "new to off-grid", these people are buying their first off-grid system and AIOs are very popular in this segement of the market. On the otherhand, there are the seasoned off-gridders who have exisiting systems they need to...
  • Post in thread: alte out of business?

    Industry rumors are that BigBattery and Signature Solar bought it through some type of joint venture. That's what people are saying but I don't see any offical news from either companies.
  • Post in thread: alte store closed ???

    We have referred people to Topband since they are the OEM of the battery. Although we have no control of how they respond to customers since they have no contractural obligations to our company.
  • Post in thread: alte out of business?

    Hi, I'm Deep Patel, Founder and CEO of GigaWatt, Inc. Based in Anaheim, CA, GigaWatt has been offering DIY solar kits and services to customers throughout the USA since 2006. We proudly operate three leading brands in the DIY solar industry: GoGreenSolar, Unbound Solar (whose assets we acquired...
  • Post in thread: alte store closed ???

    My company purchased the assets of AltE Store. We also own and opearte GoGreenSolar and Unbound Solar. AltE Store is still in business. KiloVault LLC was a seprate company, operating out of the same location as AltE Store. We did not purchase KiloVault, LLC. We are working on an upgrade program...
  • Post in thread: alte out of business?

    No that was not us
  • Post in thread: alte out of business?

    Thanks Harry. You are correct, all-in-one inverters sytems have changed the landscape a lot. The market to build power systems with a large amount of parts is very limted now due to the complexity.
  • Post in thread: alte store closed ???

    Hi, thanks for reaching out. I do agree with the recommendations that you recieved here of not replacing the single failing battery since this method would not be the best value for your dollar invested. Can you please DM me your contact information so we can figure out how to help you
  • Post in thread: alte store closed ???

    Hi John, glad to hear that your HAB-XL is working properly. Unfortunately not all KiloValut customers have batteries that are working properly. Some of these customers are stuck with improperly working batteries and need some type of service which is not avialble since KiloVault LLC is no longer...
  • Post in thread: KiloVault HXL+ 3600 batteries technical support and firmware update

    Hi, I'm with GigaWatt. We own and operate 3 DIY Solar brands including GoGreenSolar, Unbound Solar and now AlteStore. We purcahsed the brand and website of AlteStore. Kilovault is unfortunately no longer in business. The previous management team of Altestore and Kilovault had no idea they were...
  • Post in thread: alte out of business?

    Is the Optics RE website running again? I heard from a few customers that it was done. This was like a month or so ago. I wonder if they got it back online
  • Post in thread: alte out of business?

    Can't comment about EG4/Signature Solar as I've never bought any of their hardware. I like your datacenter analogy, having spares espeically if you are living off-grid is so important. I'm suprised by the amount of people that build off-grid systems without any redundancy planning and expect the...

diy solar

diy solar