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diy solar

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  • Post in thread: Help with wiring diagram from Solis

    It's been working for a couple of weeks (even when I posted that messy annotation photo above it was working). Where I was stuck was the exact wiring for the AC Backup coming from the solis inverter as my batteries are arriving soon so prepping for that. That's interesting, I might try that...
  • Post in thread: Help with wiring diagram from Solis

    Or are the critical circults split, with an RCD for them in both the main CU and the Solar CU?
  • Post in thread: Help with wiring diagram from Solis

    Thanks, I am aware of all this. This solis inverter is capable of island mode. My question is still unanswered though. How and where on these diagrams are the critical loads connected to grid power under normal operation? If the grid connection is just implied, and not drawn on the diagram...
  • Post in thread: Help with wiring diagram from Solis

    I'm still confused with these solis diagrams ?, so I've read back over what you said here and this is where I'm confused and I'm sure it's just my limited understanding of electrical wiring. But you said 'As long as the grid is up though the essential loads are getting power from Mains.' But in...
  • Post in thread: Help with wiring diagram from Solis

    Thanks for this, the wiring diagram for the Victron inverter you showed makes sense, you can see how ACout1 becomes isolated from the grid. Unfortunately it's not clear on the solis diagram how that works, and I've yet to figure it out - but I think we're getting somewhere!
  • Post in thread: Help with wiring diagram from Solis

    This is me in the process of wiring it, but I've a feeling it's wrong. Particularly the part where AC Backup comes in, because it won't be isolated from the grid.
  • Post in thread: Solis App - not fit for purpose

    I am facing similar issues with my Solis hybrid. For me the display on the inverter shows all the correct values - battery, pv, grid, backup circuits all correctly displaying what's going where and in near real time - can't fault it. Solis Cloud on the other hand is confused, the overview...
  • Post in thread: Help with wiring diagram from Solis

    Hi Everyone, I have a Solis RHI hybrid inverter and I'm using this diagram to wire it. I will be wiring it very similar to this diagram but I'm having trouble wrapping my head around the consumer unit section. Where I've circled in blue here, would that part be a henley block? and...
  • Post in thread: Solis App - not fit for purpose

    Edit* I put a ticket in to solis and they fixed it very quickly on their end. Happy days
  • Post in thread: Problems with SolisCloud app and website

    I suspect you've already played with this setting but have you tried changing the 'CT Direction' in the inverter (forward and reverse)?
  • Post in thread: Solis App - not fit for purpose

    Most of mine are now populated and showing accurate numbers. The only one that's doesn't appear to work is Self-Use.
  • Post in thread: Help with wiring diagram from Solis

    So if AC Backup is normally bypassed when grid is up, how are the critical loads connected to grid in this case? As the switch (red circle) would be set to inverter under nomral operation and I can't see any other grid connection on that wiring diagram that would feed the critical loads?

diy solar

diy solar