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  • Post in thread: Does anyone do DC system diagram consultations? I'll pay!

    I have made those adjustments an attached an updated diagram. It makes sense that the DPST would take both positive and negative. I think 1000W for the inverter will do. I don't anticipate a high AC load. Just a laptop charger and some other small things. I'll make sure if I use any kitchen...
  • Post in thread: Does anyone do DC system diagram consultations? I'll pay!

    Fair enough, ha ha. It does make you go cross-eyed when you look at it too long. Here is a simple DC on/off switch that I'll put on the positive line to the fuse block instead of using a DPST. Thanks again!
  • Post in thread: Does anyone do DC system diagram consultations? I'll pay!

    I'm 90% sure that I have everything I need but I would like an expert second opinion to fill in the blanks and answer a few questions. Here is a diagram of the system I plan on putting into a small van (Nissan NV200). I am looking for someone to fill in the needed breakers, fuses, bus bars and...
  • Post in thread: Does anyone do DC system diagram consultations? I'll pay!

    Thank you for your advice and for assembling this diagram. I will downgrade to the 1000W inverter and cancel the shunt. Is there a program that I need to visualize this text file from code into an image? Thanks again!
  • Post in thread: Hoping for a Renogy system diagram review

    Cool thanks for your help! I'm going to go with the 15A fuse on the solar panel because I already bought it. I'll nix the 120A fuse for the breaker box, since anything hooked to it will have its own fuses. I'll add a 150A terminal fuse at the battery as well. I will try to keep my cable runs...
  • Post in thread: Does anyone do DC system diagram consultations? I'll pay!

    Alright I have reworked this again to remove the combo charger and add both a solar charge controller and a DC to DC battery charger. This means that we are out of open spots on the MRBF Fuse Block so we will either have to double stack two of the 100A onto the same fuse or perhaps break out...
  • Post in thread: Does anyone do DC system diagram consultations? I'll pay!

    Yes actually once I took a second to figure out the code that text file was extremely helpful. I have put together another version of my diagram using your information. Please take a look when you get a chance and let me know what you think. The DPST, Breakers and wires should be sized...
  • Post in thread: Hoping for a Renogy system diagram review

    Hello, I basically took the existing Renogy Camper Van Diagram and downscaled it a little for my needs (only one battery, smaller inverter, only 200W solar, smaller DC-DC charger). This set up is for a small camper van, Nissan NV200. I'd love it if someone with a trained eye could take a look...
  • Post in thread: Does anyone do DC system diagram consultations? I'll pay!

    In the wiring diagram provided on this website he has 400W of solar going into the 30A DC-DC charger I am aiming to do 200W into the 50A DC-DC charger so hopefully that is alright
  • Post in thread: Does anyone do DC system diagram consultations? I'll pay!

    I was hoping for the combo to save space but it might be better to just have a DC-DC and a Solar Charge Controller Do you think 20A would be enough? They also come in 40 & 60.
  • Post in thread: Does anyone do DC system diagram consultations? I'll pay!

    OK here is V6, I have followed your latest text file instructions. My problem is that I keep thinking of this as a series of inputs (solar/dc-dc) and outputs (dc fuse block / inverter) instead of as one closed system. I wouldn't have thought about connecting the 20A solar charge converter into...
  • Post in thread: Does anyone do DC system diagram consultations? I'll pay!

    I'm not really sure. I haven't bought the van yet, ha ha. I'm going to buy it in the spring so I have all summer to build. I've just been watching endless youtube videos and thinking a lot about the construction and electrical system I need.

diy solar

diy solar