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diy solar

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  • Post in thread: Charging a battery via AC wall plug

    I'm trying to install a Lynac system: battery + MPPT controller + 2KW pure sine wave inverter (apparently really a Foshan One-Inverter). The inverter has connectors for bare stripped wires for AC input and output. I guess one cable would have a male AC plug on the other end and the other a...
  • Post in thread: Charging USB devices

    My set-up: battery + MPPT controller + 2KW pure sine wave inverter + solar panel. Looking for the best/standard way to charge USB devices (i.e., other than charger plugged into AC, which I'm assuming is less desirable?) My MPPT does not have any USB ports, but it does have 'DC Load' ports. Is...
  • Post in thread: Charging USB devices

    there's also a RS-485 connector, not sure what that's for
  • Post in thread: Charging USB devices

    thanks, but I don't see anything there that could plug into my controller

diy solar

diy solar