diy solar

diy solar

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  • Post in thread: Run from Signature Solar!!!

    So you also missed post #16, from Signature Solar, in a thread you started about them. I suppose that's their fault too.
  • Post in thread: Before you buy anything from LiTime, should know my consumer experience!!

    The tone of LiTime's responses is what bothers me. They seem to be copping an attitude along the lines, "It can't possibly be our fault, and you didn't keep the shipping materials, so piss off." It seems to be more about being right than protecting their hard earned reputation. Short sighted and...
  • Post in thread: Before you buy anything from LiTime, should know my consumer experience!!

    Holy cow, this sounds like a clueless company determined to avoid being taken, no matter what the facts are or how much business it might cost them. Anyone with experience in retail knows you end up eating some things you probably shouldn't have to, in order to avoid worse trouble. It's just...
  • Post in thread: UPDATE on "Run from Signature Solar!!!" NO EVIDENCE - LOCKED

    So.... you expected them to call you up and try again at placing the order? Really? Neither party to that dumpster fire of a failed transaction came out looking credible here. I can't imagine this thread will change anything. Plus, I haven't had time to restock my popcorn supply, and the...
  • Post in thread: Run from Signature Solar!!!

    Are you still trying to make this purchase? If not, then I think it's over. Sure, you are still pissed off, but you are not out any money. Might be time to move on.
  • Post in thread: Run from Signature Solar!!!

    If any company cancelled a big order on me without an explanation, I'd figure I had dodged a bullet, and would take my money elsewhere. Last thing I would do is offer to bring them a bag of cash.
  • Post in thread: Why are we overspending on AC AWG?

    If you think copper is expensive, try having an electrical fire.
  • Post in thread: GUIDE to properly Top-Balance and Charge a LFP Battery: Part 1

    I guess we'd better not put it in storage, then.
  • Post in thread: Solar installers giving PV a bad rap

    I'm not surprised. We had a nightmare of a time with our installation this year. The company actually doing the work failed to have anyone show up more often than not. The very first thing that was to happen at the property, a site survey or something like that, ended up being a no-call no-show...
  • Post in thread: Battery Lithium Manufacturers sues YouTuber who tested batteries for 3 years with Defamation

    100 miles is exactly the distance from my house to the nearest Home Depot.
  • Post in thread: Apollo 11 circuit breaker

    As the story goes, It was Eisenhower who insisted on getting test pilots as the first astronauts. He was right, we needed people who knew how to get home by flying broken stuff.
  • Post in thread: Does a 5/16 ring terminal or lug fit on an m8 stud?

    The difference is trivial. 8mm sockets are interchangeable with 5/16. There is usually more difference in production tolerances, so the sockets from one system of measurement might fit better on a nut or bolt from the other. Same with 19mm and 3/4. Other sizes often work too, but the difference...
  • Post in thread: Companies with excellent customer service?

    Another fan here. I've ordered from them a couple of times. Top notch quality, very quick service, and good prices. Hard to beat a combination like that.
  • Post in thread: Before you buy anything from LiTime, should know my consumer experience!!

    The obvious path forward is to send it to our resident oscillating saw ninja for inspection. 😁
  • Post in thread: Boeing maintenance.

    That's pretty freaky when you sit next to the window and realize that if you could open it, you could easily reach out and touch the cowling. On an old MD80 or something, I suffered some significant hearing loss in one ear after we sat on the taxiway for 20 minutes, the engine next to me...
  • Post in thread: Run from Signature Solar!!!

    As someone else noted, email provides a written record, which can be invaluable. It's still the standard means of communication for serious business like banking and real estate transactions. Ignore it at your peril.
  • Post in thread: GUIDE to properly Top-Balance and Charge a LFP Battery: Part 1

    Heh! Mel's Hole was one of Art's greatest hits. I'm sure it was well within the 98% of the show's content that was complete BS, but it was great fun. Art knew how to put on a show, that's for sure.
  • Post in thread: Battery Lithium Manufacturers sues YouTuber who tested batteries for 3 years with Defamation

    I love it when the Streisand Effect hits the Powerball. [insert favorite popcorn GIF here]
  • Post in thread: 2/0 crimp lugs...

    Don't know about a crimp lug, but you might find something like this that will work. A bit inelegant outside their intended use, but they work. I've used them on 2/0 and other large size wires on inverters. Most hardware stores have a few, and an electrical supply house should have a good selection.
  • Post in thread: Run from Signature Solar!!!

    Congratulations on running a top notch forum, Will. I've only recently discovered it, and have learned a ton already. The high standards and collegial atmosphere make it easy to hang around here. Regardless of what exactly happened with the order that's the subject of this thread, the...
  • Post in thread: SunGoldPower-----Buyer Beware

    SGP is on my Fool me once, shame on you list, along with Renogy. SGP sent me a defective inverter early last year. They were horrible to deal with. I sent it back and they kept screwing me around. I finally called the bank and got my card refunded. Jerks. That was also a lesson about youtubers...
  • Post in thread: Prime Day sales 2024

    And here I was expecting to be Rickrolled. 🫣
  • Post in thread: I'm really pleased with my new Lithuanian Iron Batteries!

    Lithuanian iron is the best.
  • Post in thread: State of Colorado remote off grid system permitting - any advice?

    I'm over on the other side of the Sangres. I have a good friend who is off the grid. He had to deal with the state inspector for this area, but he was very helpful. I met the current guy, maybe the same one, and he's cool. He gave me some advice on some things I'm doing here. The reason he was...
  • Post in thread: Balance your Milwaukee M12 batteries!

    That was in 1960. In 1992, B&D revived the brand and quickly discontinued their B&D Industrial line, which was a shame. That stuff was bomber. The last few rounds of it switched to the "T handle" shape everyone was ga-ga about, but there was no comparison in the internals.
  • Post in thread: The world’s largest single-site solar farm just came online

    I've read that a lot of Saudis like to keep their houses around 60 degrees inside, and wear sweaters to stay warm. Yeah, I've read a lot of things on the interwebs, but that was from an article on a reputable site. Anyway, 20 panels per house seems like a low number to me. We have 22 and no air...

diy solar

diy solar