diy solar

diy solar

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  • Post in thread: IS there a industry standard for connectivity for solar systems?

    some tech will go extinct but sometime they re-incarnate. I heard vinyl disks are coming back for nostalgia and dumb phones to stay off social media. As for myself, I am sworn out of spotify (because sick and tired of update and recommendation, popup) and literally using mp3 files stored locally.
  • Post in thread: IS there a industry standard for connectivity for solar systems?

    YES bentley. Plug-and-Play is must!!! in addition to standardization. Then only after that, industry will mature. Without it, all sorts of bad thing happens with monopoly: price gouging, vendor lock in etc.,
  • Post in thread: IS there a industry standard for connectivity for solar systems?

    there is gotta a consortium, collaboration between number of industry players, that is how big players in tech was able to work together and came up with classic interconnection aforementioned above. Now with AI, it is also wild west hopefully it will be std-ized soon.
  • Post in thread: IS there a industry standard for connectivity for solar systems?

    I am new to forum and always wondered. To draw a parallel, every component in personal computer or server used to host web has a interconnection between various component highly standardized and matured over decades: Just give you an example: TCP/IP for network transfer PCIe for high speed...

diy solar

diy solar