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diy solar

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  • Post in thread: User Error/Need help with Goal Zero Yeti 1400 and Solar Panels

    Thank You for the reply, you are correct, I have purchased the 2 GZ cables you link to above. If I look on the Goal Zero Cables themselves, on the actual MC4 connectors attached to those GZ cables as in the pics you link to above, they have Positive "+" markings on the Male MC4...
  • Post in thread: User Error/Need help with Goal Zero Yeti 1400 and Solar Panels

    Exactly that what you show above. I think I've been reading too much into this and should have just connected the panel.......but better safe than sorry, I'll also look for + or - with my multimeter before plugging them in.
  • Post in thread: User Error/Need help with Goal Zero Yeti 1400 and Solar Panels

    Thank You for taking a minute to read this, I could use some straightening out. I've had a Goal Zero Yeti 1400 since they were new and I added the MPPT charging adapter when it was made available, I've also had 4 100w AllPowers brand flat, flexible panels that are as old as the Yeti (4 years?)...
  • Post in thread: User Error/Need help with Goal Zero Yeti 1400 and Solar Panels

    Epilogue: Today I managed to connect it all up and was...somewhat disappointed to find...that my 4x100 watt panels (the thin flexible kind, 3 years old and never used before) were only producing about 60w each. I had 3 in parallel and one stand-alone. I ran the 3 in parallel into the MPPT and...
  • Post in thread: User Error/Need help with Goal Zero Yeti 1400 and Solar Panels

    Ah, well live and learn I guess. Still glad I erred on the side of caution, sounds like they were ready to go all along.
  • Post in thread: User Error/Need help with Goal Zero Yeti 1400 and Solar Panels

    I had about 71% on it when the panels were connected earlier today, I was not pulling a load out of the unit while it was charging. I can run it down again and see how much it can pull when it's closer to empty. I'm assuming running the 3x100w panels into the MPPT via 2 sets of Y connectors +...

diy solar

diy solar