diy solar

diy solar

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  • Post in thread: Needing guidance. New Construction

    Hello All, I have been lurking on this forum for a few weeks and still have a very poor working knowledge of solar and batteries in general. I am currently wrapping up the framing on my new custom home in rural northern Alabama. My objective is to offset a significant portion of my monthly...
  • Post in thread: Help planning solar in new construction!

    OP what did you end up going with?
  • Post in thread: Needing guidance. New Construction

    Exactly, Its just a concept at this point. Does anyone have a recommended guide for sizing my system? The house I am building is going to be much more efficient than my current home. I expect to average around 1000kw of monthly usage. Since I am starting from scratch are there certain breaker...
  • Post in thread: EG4 6500EX-48 capabilities vs. Sol-Ark 15k

    What could I use for automatic failover? I suppose an easy manual solution would be to run seperate load stations.
  • Post in thread: Needing guidance. New Construction

    Thanks for the advice. It looks like I average 5.15 hours a day. Peak usage is going to be in the summer months with AC. It seems like having one panel for my heavy loads and one for the rest of the house could work. With only 60 Amps of power am I right in thinking that a single Sol Ark 12k...
  • Post in thread: EG4 6500EX-48 capabilities vs. Sol-Ark 15k

    Hijacking OP's thread a bit here. So if you had no intention of selling back any power to the grid but wanted it available to supplement solar/battery, multiple eg4's would be a more cost effective solution?

diy solar

diy solar